Winter Car Maintenance Checklist

16th September 2024

Maintenance. It’s not something most of us want to think about. However, when it comes to your car, it’s critical. This is particularly imperative in the middle of winter. In line with this thought, today, we’re looking at some of the key things you should know about winter maintenance. This should help keep your car in better nick overall.

Winter Car Maintenance Tips You Should Know

Maintaining your car in the winter is no small task. After all, with cold weather and constant rain and wind to deal with, there’s plenty to put pressure on. However, there are several simple tips you could implement during this cold period of the year. In doing so, you might just find that your car stays in good condition for longer.

#1 Inspect Points of Concern

During the year, you may have noticed potential problem areas on your vehicle. These are most often picked up on an MOT. The difficult conditions in winter can often place even more pressure on these. So, if anything’s been brought up as an advisory during MOT checks, be sure to keep an extra close eye.

What if you’ve recently purchased a new car? The easiest way to check is by using a car checker tool. These tools provide a thorough breakdown of past advisories and failures from previous MOTs, which in turn gives you a much clearer understanding of what to look for.

#2 Clean Your Car Regularly

One of the biggest mistakes people make in the winter is to let dirt and debris build up on their cars. However, this can be a mistake. Doing so, especially over time, may cause the bodywork to begin deteriorating more quickly. In turn, your car may need a lot more attention and TLC come the following spring. Luckily, even a quick wash can help dislodge this debris; so, bring out the warm (not hot!) water to rinse your car down regularly, ideally with a winter car cleanser.

#3 Cover Your Car

No one likes being cold in the winter. Well, nor does your car – sort of. Indeed, the low temperatures can potentially wreak havoc on the vehicle, especially for glasswork. In line with this, covering your car with blankets and sheets can help protect it from severe ice and frost. This may also allow you to protect the car from the worst that debris and hail may throw at it.

#4 Check Your Tyres

It’s always crucial to check your tyres for suitable tread depth and no punctures. However, this is particularly vital in the winter, as salty roads and excessive debris could cause more wear. Not to mention, when the roads are wet or slippery, having good tread is crucial to keep your vehicle stable on the road.

Final Thoughts

Winter can place a lot of stress on your vehicle. However, there are ways you can keep your car in good nick, and the steps we’ve outlined today may help. Remember, maintaining your car regularly is important, as it can help keep your vehicle in good condition for longer. So, while it may be a hassle, it’s certainly not something you should skip out on.