Why You Should Claim Compensation if You Have Been Injured in an Accident at Work

20th December 2022

Accidents at work can have devastating and long-lasting consequences. If you have been injured in an accident whilst working, you may be entitled to claim compensation.

But it’s one thing to be eligible to claim, it’s another to actually go ahead and make it. It can feel like a big step, and it’s perfectly natural to feel reluctant about doing so – especially if you’ve never made a claim before.

However, it is important to understand some of the points in favour of making an accident at work injury claim before settling on your decision.

Financial reasons

Claiming compensation after an accident at work can help you to cover costs related to the accident. These include:

  • Treatment or rehabilitation costs
  • Lost wages
  • Care and assistance you have received (whether from professionals or loved ones)

A compensation claim can also help to provide financial security in the future, should the accident have long-term effects on your ability to work. If you can no longer carry out the same kind of work, there might also be costs associated with retraining – and these can often be included in your claim.


A strong incentive for better workplace safety

By making a claim, you can create a safer working environment for yourself and other employees. It can motivate your employer to take the necessary steps to prevent such accidents from occurring in the future.

Facing a personal injury claim for an accident in the workplace is a serious matter for most employers, and naturally they will wish to avoid similar events happening again.

If you do not make a claim, the incentive for your employer to take action is not as strong. A good employer will still investigate the accident and make necessary changes, but it is often easier for less scrupulous employers to dismiss calls for improvement – particularly if the financial or legal pressure is not there to do so.


Holding your employer accountable

Making a claim for compensation can also ensure that your employer is held accountable for their negligence. If your employer has failed in their legal responsibility to keep their workers safe, they should face consequences.

Also, once a claim is complete, it can bring you some emotional closure as well. You have refused to just accept the accident’s effects on your life; instead, you have taken action to make a positive difference and hold those responsible to account. This can allow you to move on from the accident, and focus on your recovery and future.


A common worry – will I lose my job if I claim?

As specialist personal injury solicitors who have helped many clients with accident at work claims, this is one of the most common questions we are asked. Making a claim directed against your employer can feel like you are ‘attacking’ them in some way – and the worry is that maybe they will respond by treating you badly or firing you.

It is possible that an employer might try to ‘punish’ or fire you in response for making a claim – but it would be a foolish and unreasonable employer that does so. You have certain employment rights as an employee or worker, and these can protect you from victimisation and being fired if this has been done in retaliation for enforcing your legal rights (such as making a personal injury claim for an accident at work).

So if this were to happen to you, there are 2 key points to consider:

  1. Would you really want to continue working for an employer that treats you like that after you have been injured working for them?
  2. You may have grounds, under employment law, to claim against your employer for how they have treated you

Additionally, employers are legally required to hold employers’ liability insurance cover, so in the vast majority of situations, your accident at work compensation would actually be paid by their insurance company.

If you are worried about the effects that making a claim will have on the relationship with your employer, you can always seek advice from an employment law solicitor on your situation. Truth Legal also has a specialist employment law team who can help you with this.


Final thoughts

So, overall, the importance of claiming compensation after an accident at work should not be overlooked. Not only can it help you to cover the financial costs which follow from the accident, but it can also create a safer working environment, bring emotional closure, and ensure that your employer is held accountable for their negligence.

If you are thinking about making a claim, we at Truth Legal Solicitors would be more than happy to discuss matters with you. We offer free initial consultations, with no pressure on you to continue further if you decide not to.