Why motion graphics are essential for digital marketing strategies?

9th July 2024

Let’s be honest; nobody likes to read through a 1000-word document describing a product or service. With video proving exceptionally useful as a communication and marketing strategy, the concept of motion graphics is sure to impress.

We live in a fast-paced world, where everything is expected to move quickly. When a website fails to load quick enough, users will quickly bounce. With the rise of social media, many of us mindlessly scroll which is why it’s more important than ever for brands to stand out from the crowd, marketing their products or services in a way that will make scrolling thumbs stop.

That’s where motion graphics come in.

Motion graphics is the industry term for an animated video. They combine text, graphics, illustrations, and audio to help tell a story or to explain a product or service. They’re incredibly useful for marketers as they can tell viewers information in a short space of time. They have also been linked with improving conversions and sales.


How do motion graphics enhance audience engagement in digital marketing?

Capturing the attention of your audience is one thing but keeping them engaged is another. With the rise in demand for unique content, it’s no wonder marketeers are turning to motion graphics as a way to communicate and drive more engagement. Motion graphics can help to keep your audience engaged by:

  • Grabbing attention instantly: our brains are wired to respond to movement and animations help with that, grabbing attention and appealing to viewers. This makes them more receptive to your message than text or images.
  • Explaining complex ideas in simple terms: motion graphics can help to break down complex ideas or processes into visual steps. Even boring or difficult topics can become easy to understand and remember, leaving a lasting impression.
  • Boosts shareability and virality: motion graphics have the ability to go viral on social media. Organic reach can help to widen your audience and increase your marketing impact.
  • Increases conversions: by making information engaging and memorable, motion graphics can make viewers act, whether that’s visiting your website, signing up to a newsletter, or making a purchase.


What are the benefits of using motion graphics for brand storytelling?

Brand storytelling is one of the best ways to build connections with your audience and motion graphics can take it to a new level. With animation and a strong narrative, motion graphics can help bring your brand story to life and allow you to form a connection with your viewers. This helps to make your story more memorable and can help to build trust and loyalty with customers.


How can motion graphics improve the visibility of social media campaigns?

Static content is like glue whereas motion graphics are like magnets. Motion graphics help to keep viewers entertained and engaged for longer which leads to more visibility for your social media campaigns. The great thing about motion graphics is that they stop thumbs in their tracks, meaning more likes, shares, comments, and more organic visibility.


How do motion graphics contribute to higher conversion rates?

  • They can help to improve clarity and understanding complex products or services can be explained simply and quickly with motion graphics. Animations can break down features and benefits into bite size visuals, so viewers get the value proposition. This helps to build trust and get them to take the next step.
  • They help to build a connection and trust: great motion graphics can evoke emotions in your audience. Humour, excitement, or a sense of community can create a positive brand association and trust. Viewers who connect with your message on an emotional level are more likely to convert.
  • They help tell a story: motion graphics can tell a story around your product or service, showing its benefits in a relatable way. This storytelling makes your offering more memorable and positions it as the solution to the viewer’s problem and gets them to convert.
  • They help with information retention: animations hold attention better than static content, allowing viewers to absorb key information about your product or service.
  • They provide a clear call to action: motion graphics allow you to embed clear call to actions (CTAs) into your video. Whether it’s a “Buy Now” or a “Learn More” prompt, when it’s built into an animation it’s more likely to be seen and acted on and this will help with your conversions.


What makes motion graphics more effective than static images in marketing?

Static visuals can’t grab attention like motion graphics can. This cuts through the noise and stops people in their tracks – a big deal in the era of short attention spans. The ability to engage on a deeper level means better brand recall, stronger emotional connections, and more impact on your marketing.


How do motion graphics support SEO and online visibility?

While motion graphics aren’t a direct ranking factor for SEO, they can contribute to a website’s online visibility in several ways. Firstly, motion graphics embedded in content can increase user dwell time. These metrics measure how long visitors stay on your page and are a positive signal to search engines that your content is good and keeping users engaged.

Secondly, motion graphics can increase social media shares and engagement and get backlinks to your website. Backlinks are another big SEO factor as it tells search engines that your website is a trusted and authoritative source.


What are the cost-effective ways to produce high-quality motion graphics?

Motion graphics can be produced on a budget. Use online templates and royalty free stock footage as a base for customisation. There are free or open-source software options, but they may take more learning time. Collaborate with a motion graphics agency as this is an incredibly cost-effective option for small businesses. For a true DIY approach pre-built asset libraries on online tools let you create simple yet effective animations with no design experience. These solutions let you harness the power of motion graphics in your marketing without breaking the bank.