Why More Hotel Owners are Using Mac Over PC

12th December 2023

Windows PCs are still the most popular type of desktop computer, with around 69% of the market compared to Apple’s MacOS at 17%. However, the use of Mac devices has increased over the past few years, especially among small and medium-sized enterprises. Macs offer numerous advantages to business owners, with Apple releasing a lot of new features aimed at supporting business operations.

Research has shown that businesses across a range of industries are making the switch from PC to Mac, and the hotel industry is no different. As hotel owners look for ways to gain an advantage in a market that is increasingly competitive thanks to short term apartment letting services, Macs could help them become more efficient. In this article, we’ll examine the reason why hoteliers are now using Mac devices and whether this trend will continue.

Efficient and Highly Intuitive to Use

Compared to PCs, many computer users find Macs far more intuitive and easier to use. While most people are familiar with windows systems, training employees to use them quickly and efficiently can be a challenge. On the other hand, Macs are designed with usability in mind. Features and programs aid the user experience, with the sticky notes app allowing employees to add sticky notes to Mac desktop and save important information.

Macs are also very easy to set up, often containing all the software you need already installed and ready to go. PCs can take upwards of 60 minutes to set up. On the other hand, a Mac is typically ready in five minutes from the moment its plugged in.

The efficiency of using Macs is also seen in how reliable they are. On average, PCs will suffer from more technical issues, potentially costing businesses time and money. By being more reliable, Macs improve employee efficiency and reduce costs spent on IT fixes and downtime.

Cost Effective

While the initial purchase price of Mac devices is higher, they still work out cheaper in the long run once you factor in software, support and operations costs. Mac computers are typically around $500 more expensive than PCs, though the exact figures will depend on the specifications of the device you’re purchasing.

While this initial outlay is higher, Macs have fewer operational issues. According to research, Mac devices are three times less expensive to support over their lifetime because of the fact they encounter fewer support tickets. Over three years, these savings amount to over $600 per device, making the choice obvious for business owners that are focused on long term cost effectiveness.

High Security

One of the biggest advantages of Macs is that they offer a higher level of security compared to PCs and other devices. In a world where cybercrime is becoming increasingly prevalent, it’s more important than ever for business owners to protect their operations from attack. Ransomware attacks have previously targeted hotels, and Mac devices could help lower the risk.

Although the MacOS is not impervious to malware and cyberattacks, it does face far fewer threats compared to Windows. Apple ensures that all Mac devices are built with security in mind, using tools such as encryption, regular software updates and cloud backups to protect users and businesses.

All of the software applications available for download from the App Store are thoroughly vetted to ensure they’re safe to use. This means businesses are protected, even when using a variety of different software tools to manage their operations. iCloud backups ensure that data is secured correctly, and attacks are far less likely to cause serious damage to the hotel’s reputation.