What’s in a name – A tale of care home mix up

26th August 2018

What’s in a name – A tale of care home mix up.

When Jonathan Cunningham, Registered Care Manager of a Birkdale Nursing Home, heard of the imminent closure of a local care home he immediately stepped in to assist relocate its poor residents. That other care home was Barton Park Nursing Home also in Birkdale, Southport.

The care home owned by the fraudulent criminal Mr David Barton who managed to con millions from his unsuspecting residents. He was described by the judge as the most dishonest man he had ever had the mis-pleasure of sentencing. Over the coming weeks Jonathan not only rehomed several residents he also provided employment to many staff who had been made unemployed over-night. It was the end of a very upsetting episode or so Jonathan thought!

However, all seemed well until several incidents illustrated that Jonathan’s Nursing Home was now being mixed up with the closed, disgraced home. Jonathan’s Home, Birkdale Park Nursing Home was now being mixed up with the former Barton Park Nursing Home! The two names were clearly disturbingly similar.

Jonathan said, ‘I have had visitors saying – I’ve heard about your Home,’ ‘So where have you stored the ferraris?’ and I have even had one phone enquiry say, ‘I thought you had now closed down!’ even one visitor said ‘I think your boss Mr Barton is disgusting!’ It was all a huge reputational mix up!

Jonathan said, ‘the frustration is that you couldn’t have a greater difference between two homes within a quarter of a mile of each other. Birkdale Park managed by a decorated ex solider, delivering outstanding care to its gorgeous residents, we even have a waiting list and graded good by Care Quality Commission (CQC). This is a world away from the closed Barton Park were its residents were financially and abused. We have to explain that we are a very different home!

The fanciest vehicle we have at Birkdale park is our colourful rickshaw I enjoy taking our gorgeous residents out into Southport. Most people suddenly realise the mix up and apologise!’

So, if you are passing Birkdale Park Nursing Home on Lulworth Road please recognise that it is not the disgraced home. You might even see their ‘rickshaw’ in and around Southport. So, don’t throw eggs but give Jonathan and its residents a nice wave and a smile. And remember its Birkdale Park not Barton Park and they love their residents!

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