What Should I Know Before Having Children?

17th March 2022

There might come a time in your life when you think about bringing a baby into the world. Whether this is imminent, or somewhere in the not-too-distant future, you might want to take some time to educate yourself on whether you are in the right position to do so. At the same time, some people might say that you may never be in the perfect situation to raise a child. Therefore, it could instead be appropriate to think about the resources you currently have, and whether you could meet the needs of your offspring.

One of the most obvious aspects of having children can be the cost associated with raising them. However, you might also want to consider some of the financial issues that your child may face when they get older as well. Wealthify can help to inform you about some of those future costs, as well as why setting up a savings account for each child may be incredibly beneficial. 

There are a number of costly aspects to life that a person might set as one of their life goals for adulthood. From gaining additional qualifications to marriage, and even the purchase of a house, some things cost more money than your child may receive in a single month or even their annual salary. Having a bit of financial support from Mum and Dad, put aside for their future, could be quite reassuring to you all.

Becoming a new parent isn’t just stressful on the body and bank account. It can also affect a person’s mental health. Looking after a baby can involve a significant lack of sleep, as well as you and your partner needing to adapt your current routines to fit in with the needs of an infant. This could make you feel incredibly low. Learning about how to support your mental health in those first few months could allow you to find a greater level of enjoyment, especially if you work together with your partner and check in on how the other is also feeling. Understanding when to ask for professional help could also be quite important, especially if negativity goes on for a longer period of time.

You may have discussed how many children you might like with your partner, but that doesn’t mean that one pregnancy equals one baby. Just over 1% of naturally conceived pregnancies result in twins being born, with the rate being approximately 20 times higher for parents who conceive via IVF. Therefore, you might want to consider what you would do should this occur. While the statistics may make you feel like this is unlikely, it can be a good idea to have thoughts and plans in place so that you are not left unprepared if you do face a multiple birth.

By taking the time to think about some of the elements of becoming a parent, and the needs of both yourselves and your children, you may be in a better position to manage when the time comes.