What Resources Are Available in Manchester to Support Separated Parents?

3rd March 2023

For parents who are divorced, life can be lonely and at times, overwhelming. In this article, we’ll be shining a light on the resources that are available in Manchester to support separated parents…

Making the transition from being in a couple to being a single parent, can be a daunting and scary prospect. And while divorce lawyers in Manchester can help with the legal and practical side of things, it’s important you also have plenty of support around you.

However, it can also be tricky to know where to look for help and support, so below, we’ve put together resources available in Manchester to support separated parents.

Talk Listen Change

When having a child with a spouse, it’s reasonable to expect that this is how the family dynamic will continue. Moreover, if a divorce was to occur, it can be stressful and confusing not just for the couple but also for the children involved. Talk Listen Change (TLC) in Manchester, is an incredibly useful resource for parents who are struggling to talk to their children about the separation.

TLC runs a four-hour course which takes place in one day. This course aims to give parents an understanding of how separation feels for the child and therefore how to speak with them about it. The course also focuses on encouraging ways that separated parents can be amicable with each other, for the sake of the children.

As well as ways the transition can be made easier for all those affected by it.

Divorce Club Manchester

Manchester’s Divorce Club is an extremely valuable resource for parents entering the unfamiliar territory of separation. As well as offering programmes and courses either in real life or via Zoom, Divorce Club offers practical advice and talks from professionals including divorce solicitors.

More importantly, the club also arranges connections, meetups, and events for its members. This can provide divorcees with real-life support from others who are going through the same painful and stressful process.

Joining the group is also a quick and easy process, as it instantly puts new members in touch with existing ones as well as access to events and resources.

Social Media Groups

Social media does play a significant role in our lives these days and, as well as being used for entertainment, it can also be a really good source when it comes to support groups. In this section, we’ll be looking at some of the social media resources for separated parents:

Extraordinary Single Parents North West

Established in 2014, Extraordinary Single Parents North West currently has over 300 members. The group was created to connect like-minded single parents from across the north west of England, including Manchester where the group’s admins are based.

Solo Parents United

Based in Manchester, this Facebook group has over 1000 members and focuses on positivity and championing one another through support and friendship. As well as offering connections online, group members also organise events and meetups to share experiences and make new friends.

Out There

Taking care of children by yourself can be tough, and even more so when a separation is due to one partner being imprisoned. With 1200 members, Out There is a Twitter group which was created to offer support to parents and children when one parent is sent to prison, creating a forced separation. The group offers support and friendship as well as practical advice for separated parents.

Manchester Community Central

This important resource has a huge amount of information for parents with links to practical and financial help including hardship funds, children’s clothing resources, jobs and training.

Bringing Manchester’s Single Parents Together

Following a separation, it’s easy to feel like you’re all alone in the world but, every day, hundreds of people are going through the same thing – and some of them may be just around the corner from where you live in Manchester.

In this article, we’ve shown that you don’t need to go through this transition all alone, there is help out there if you know where to look. While some of the groups included offer events and meetups, you should always check these out beforehand. And if meeting somebody for the first time, use caution and arrange to meet in a public place.

Please be advised that this article is for general informational purposes only, and should not be used as a substitute for advice from a trained legal professional. Be sure to consult a divorce lawyer/solicitor if you’re seeking advice on separation. We are not liable for risks or issues associated with using or acting upon the information on this site.