What is Receiving confirmations in Bitcoin, and how it works

18th April 2021

All the transactions are worked on a platform, and these transactions are stored on the blockchain and to check whether the transaction is valid or not, confirmations play an essential role. If you have to spend money or send money to someone who is also a bitcoin use, cannot receive bitcoin quickly, some steps or processes take time to confirm the valid transaction.

What are Confirmations?

Confirmations in bitcoin are essential because it assures that the transactions that are done is valid or not. Miners work behind this bitcoin platform. Before sending the bitcoin to someone’s wallet, they check the validity of transactions and then broadcast to all the computers or devices for conformity.

In simple words, confirmation means checking the bitcoin transactions by minors who works behind this platform that the trades that have made are valid or not; if a bitcoin transaction is not correct, then you send the message to the bitcoin user that your bitcoin is not valid or not confirmed, and it will take ten minutes to ensure the bitcoin transactions. It is a six-step process means there are six steps for the confirmation of a transaction.

Most of the bitcoin wallets show “SPEND.”

There are six confirmations to confirm a transaction, and after the confirmation, it is broadcasted to the blockchain and every node or computer, or device that is registered on bitcoin. Many bitcoin wallets show that your bitcoin spend. When you check it on your laptop or a computer, it will show you as “n/unconfirmed,” here, n means the number of confirmations (there are six confirmations for the completion of a transaction) will show the number like 1/unconfirmed or so on. It is not clear how much time it will take to confirm a transaction in these six steps. Some say it takes one hour to complete the confirmation process, and some say it will take 10 minutes, but I think one hour is maximum, and in some cases, it will work fast, and in some, it will work slow.

You cannot force for network confirmations.

That is true that you cannot confirm a transaction valid by yourself through any website like bitcoin future. It is the work of minors who have proper knowledge of the working of the bitcoin system, and after checking the transactions, it is deemed to be valid by them. If you think that you have sent bitcoin to someone and the transaction is completed, it is not, and if you try to confirm it by yourself, you can never do it. You cannot change the speed of confirmation, and it is entirely dependent on the bitcoin network.

It is a random process, and transactions can take a while longer to process a transaction before moving to a new block. It is working on the block system and supposes your transactions are spread to all the devices before moving into a new block, and you will see the transaction will be much faster.

A general rule of transaction

The general rule of confirmation is simple: if there will not be six confirmations, if your transactions have not achieved the six validation, it will be at high risk. Although you have spent the money from your account, it is not valid until it will complete the six steps of confirmations.

There is a high risk in bitcoin transactions if your transactions are not valid, and here high risk means double-spending. In brief double-spending means, you are using your bitcoin from your wallet two times or twice. If your transaction contains less than six confirmations, then there are also chances of double-spending or risk. As compared to a computer bitcoin client or application installed in the computer, mobile wallets are much faster for spending incoming transactions.


From the above information, we have learned that there is a need for six steps, and if your transaction is not valid, i.e., not completed six steps, it means you are at the risk of double-spending. The process of confirmation is done by the minors that work behind the bitcoin platform. Validation can take up to one hour but not more than it. It may be slower on a laptop or computer but fast in the case of mobile wallets.