Photo: Driver picks up pedestrian after loosing control along Town Lane
Only minutes before a head on collision on Town Lane last night a member of the public recorded what is believed to be one of the cars that was involved in the RTC drifting around the Town Lane roundabout.
Joy rider’s cause head on collision and petrol bomb second car
Photo: Head on collision, Town Lane Kew, Southport, Merseyside
• One of the joyriders has head on collision
• Roy riders flee the scene and petrol bomb second car
The emergency services were called to Town Lane, shortly after 10:15 following reports of head on collision near to Southport Hospital.
A Witness told OTSNews : “Around 10pm I witnessed two black Volvo’s racing bumper to bumper with each other around Birkdale.
“I was on Guildford road approaching the roundabout and they came racing round and nearly hit me, (They didn’t even slow down the give way to the right). They floored it passed Dobbies garden centre must have hit around 120 mph they was gone, then when I was approaching the roundabout coming from Dobbies on the road of Southport hospital was two cars smashed up in the middle of the road.
“One of the black Volvo’s had hit a woman head on and the lads apparently looked about 18 and both legged in through the hospital and the other car carried on of somewhere else.
“I stayed untill the police arrived and gave them my details. The women in the silver Peugeot was alive and talking but was complaining about her back.
“Later after I left that scene I went back to down Ovington Drive and seen the second black Volvo parked up outside a house IN FLAMES.
“A few minutes after I heard the police saying they petrol bombed the car and dumped the Jerry can and legged it away.
Photo: Petrol bombed car, Ovington Drive
OTSwill have and official police update later today.
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