Works are due to start to remove two dying trees from Chapel Lane in Formby.
The unavoidable works are to be carried out in order to ensure public safety as both trees have been identified as unsafe.
All options, including the possibility of remedial works, have been explored but none of the options identified would immediately reduce the significant health and safety risk the dying trees are causing.
In order to ensure the public highway is kept safe for both pedestrians and motorists the two trees concerned must now be removed.
A spokesman for Sefton Council said: “Sadly due to the extent of decline of both trees, any remedial works would have no effect on the longevity of them.
“As the highway authority, we have a statutory duty of care to make sure Chapel Lane is a safe area and we have taken the decision to approve the removal of these trees.
“The tree in front of Cassidy’s greengrocers is dying and no amount of maintenance works will improve the trees health, while the tree outside Boots is suffering from a considerable amount of decay within the crown leading to major structural concern.
“Both trees have the potential to drop considerable limbs in windy conditions and if left would pose an unacceptable Health and Safety risk to users of the public highway.
“Formby Parish Council and Ward Councillors are fully aware of this decision and, despite some public comments, significant and proactive talks have taken place between all parties.”
Work to remove both trees are expected to take place between October 4 and October 15.
Chapel Lane will be closed to traffic while these works are taking place. Diversions will be in place via Elbow Lane, Duke Street, Three Tuns Lane and vice versa.
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