Unmasking WhatsApp Scams: Protecting Yourself in the Digital Age

7th August 2024

WhatsApp is widely used as a communication and business tool across the world. Its extensive use and adoption is a benefit to billions of users. This also makes the app a significant target for millions of WhatsApp scams daily. Every user must understand the risks they might fall into while using this app. Understand how to keep yourself safe from falling into the trap of scams on WhatsApp.

Why do scammers use WhatsApp?

Scammers love to defraud people on WhatsApp because it currently has over 2.78 billion users. This number will soon rise to 3.14 billion people. This is a large enough population to attract scammers. They can reach so many people in an instant. It is harder for security agents like the police to track these online criminals.

About 20.1% of people aged 35 to 44 years are likely to fall into WhatsApp scams. The WhatsApp scammer list stood at 601,000 reports in 2023. People lost $1.3 billion to WhatsApp scams in the same year. Users should seek to know why scammers use WhatsApp. They target the large traffic on this platform and take advantage of the trust users have with it. Understanding why scammers use WhatsApp, and how to track a scammer on WhatsApp is important. It is easier to spread WhatsApp spam messages because people are likely to share. Confirm the source of a message and do not be quick to trust it even if you know the sender.

Security agents find it harder to track scammers because the app uses end-to-end encryption security measures. Most users tend to trust messages on this channel because it is used for casual communication. Malicious people send links or files on the platform and easily get away with it.

How to Identify a Scammer on WhatsApp

The best way to identify a scammer on WhatsApp is to look for red signs. Here are some important red signals to look out for.

  • Be suspicious of messages you didn’t expect.
  • Stay alert when an unknown person asks for your private data.
  • Confirm through other means if someone you know asks for your private data. They might ask you to open a link or send a verification code. They could be scammers pretending to be genuine.
  • Be suspicious of messages that look too generic. The grammar might be poor and the greetings irrelevant.
  • Think twice whenever you see an offer that looks too good to be true. Understand how to track a scammer on WhatsApp.

What are the Common Scams on WhatsApp?

Verification code scams

WhatsApp usually sends users a code to verify their account. This mostly happens when you create a new account or use multifactor authentication. A scammer may pretend they accidentally sent a code to your number. They immediately ask you to send it to them. They aim to capture your account and use it to defraud more people.


Phishing scams involve malicious people sending dangerous links. They try to gain your favor by pretending to be people with goodwill. If you trust them and open the link, they get access to your account instantly.  For instance, the scammer may threaten the deactivation of your account. They instruct you to open a certain link.

Fake Jobs

Many scammers know millions of people are looking for jobs daily. They take advantage of your desperation and promise high-end or work-from-home jobs. If you show interest, the scammer demands an upfront payment. They may promise to send you job resources but they never do it once they get paid.

Fake Investment Offers

This scam targets people willing to invest online for an extra line of income. Scammers promote forex, crypto, equity, or investment funds with high returns. They lure you to make deposits to begin earning daily, weekly, or monthly. This promise of high returns lured many people to join but in the end, they were left disappointed.

Business Impersonation Scams

These scams involve people sending promises for gift hampers or special discounts. The message will always pretend to come from trustworthy retail stores and hypermarkets. They require you to open a link or attachment to claim your gift.  The link directs you to a fake site where they can get your data.

Protect Yourself from the Trap of WhatsApp Scams

The first line of protection from scams is to stop sharing personal data with anyone. Be suspicious of messages that you do not know the source of. This should include links and attachments or push messages. Do not rush to open them or confirm anything until you confirm the source.

The best action to take for search information is to report to the WhatsApp support team. The platform takes action quickly and blocks such accounts. Learn the tricks scammers use and how to avoid them. Educate other users by sharing the knowledge with them. Update yourself with the latest trends from online communities.


WhatsApp is a key target for scammers due to the large number of users. They use several tricks like investment deals, job offers, and purchase discounts. Understand what these scams mean and how they happen. Learn how to protect yourself and identify fake messages. This helps you stay safe always.