Understanding the Different Types of UK Visas: Which One is Right for You?

6th August 2024

Navigating the maze of UK visa applications can be daunting, with each visa type having its own set of requirements and eligibility criteria. 

Understanding your options is crucial to avoid costly mistakes and visa refusals.  Before you contact an immigration lawyer, explore the various UK visa options available. This article will help you understand what’s on offer and what options there are to choose from.

1. Visitor Visas

Standard Visitor Visa

The UK visitor visa accommodates stays for up to 6 months for family visits, tourism, or business. To be eligible, you must prove that you have sufficient funds for the visit and show intention to leave the UK on completion of your stay. Visitor visa application may become quite complex, especially if you have been refused a visa in the past. This type of visa gives greater discretion to the decision-maker who will be assessing your circumstances and there is no right of appeal against an unfavourable decision. Although most people, understandably, prefer to apply for a visitor visa themselves, you may choose to instruct an immigration lawyer if you cannot risk a refusal. 

Marriage Visitor Visa

The UK Marriage Visitor Visa allows non-UK residents to marry or enter a civil partnership in the UK. Applicants must prove their intention to leave after the visit and have sufficient funds. The visa is valid for up to 6 months and does not permit working or settling in the UK.

2. Work Visas

Skilled Worker Visa

The UK Skilled Worker Visa allows foreign nationals to work in the UK. To be eligible, you must have a job offer from a UK-based employer with a sponsor licence to hire foreign workers. 

There is also a minimum skill requirement, typically a job offer in an eligible occupation at RQF Level 3 or above. In addition, the offer must have a minimum salary of £38,700 per year/£15.88 per hour, or the “going rate” for the job, whichever is higher.

Intra-company Transfer Visa

The UK Intra-company Transfer Visa is now part of the Global Business Mobility Visa route and allows senior and specialist employees of multinational companies to transfer to a UK branch. Eligibility requires a salary corresponding to the requirements of the immigration rules and Certificate of Sponsorship from the UK branch. There is no English language requirement for this visa category. 

Temporary Worker Visa

The UK Temporary Worker Visa allows non-European Union and European Economic Area (EEA) nationals to work in the UK in specific roles. The categories under this visa include:

  1. Charity Worker: For unpaid voluntary work with a registered UK charity for up to 12 months.
  2. Creative Worker: For artists, entertainers, and sportspeople. Duration varies but generally up to 12 months.
  3. Religious Worker: For those doing religious work, such as preaching or pastoral work. It’s valid for up to 2 years.
  4. Government Authorised Exchange: For short-term work experience, training, research, or fellowships. Valid for up to 12 or 24 months depending on the scheme.
  5. International Agreement: For workers under international law, such as embassy staff. Duration varies by agreement.

All these categories require sponsorship by a licensed UK sponsor and a CoS and do not generally lead to settlement.

3. Study Visas

Student Visa

The UK Student Visa allows international students above 16 years to study in the UK. To qualify, applicants must submit an online application, pay fees, and provide proof of acceptance to a course. They must prove their English proficiency and ability to cover study and living expenses. 

The good news is visa holders can work up to 20 hours per week during term time and full-time during vacations.

Child Student Visa

The UK Child Student Visa is for non-UK nationals aged 4 -17 who wish to study at an independent school in the UK. They must have parental consent in the form of written approval for the child’s travel, reception, and care arrangements. 

The visa application must include evidence of sufficient funds for tuition and living costs, acceptance from a licensed Tier 4 sponsor, and proof of accommodation. This visa is valid for the course duration, up to a maximum of six years, and can be extended if necessary. 

4. Family Visas

Spouse/Partner Visa

This visa allows immigration for non-British partners of British citizens or UK residents with permanent status. Applicants must provide proof of relationship, finance, accommodation and knowledge of English.

Unmarried partners have to show that they have been in a durable relationship for at least two years before applying. 

Financial requirements can be met through savings or from employment or self-employment income of the British partner. The minimum income requirement is £29,000 per year. 

Some limited forms of income of the non-British partner, such as pension which will continue to be drawn in the UK, may also be taken into account.

Normally, once the financial requirements are met you don’t have to address how the funds will be spent once you are in the UK. However, if the British sponsor is in receipt of qualifying benefits in the UK, you will have to show that the funds available for the couple will be sufficient to cover the cost of living in the UK.

5. Business Visas

Innovator Visa

The UK Innovator Visa is for entrepreneurs seeking to establish a business in the UK. Applicants must secure an endorsement from an approved endorsing body, demonstrating their business idea’s innovation, viability, and scalability. They need access to at least £50,000 in investment funds from a qualified source, which can include venture capital firms or angel investors. 

The endorsement criteria and investment funds ensure applicants possess the necessary entrepreneurial acumen and financial means to run a successful business in the UK.

Start-up Visa

The UK Start-up Visa is designed for entrepreneurs with innovative business ideas. It grants a 2-year stay, with a path to settlement. Applicants must secure endorsement from an approved endorsing body, demonstrating a viable business plan and entrepreneurial skills. This visa doesn’t require initial investment funds. 

This approach fosters an entrepreneurial spirit without imposing financial barriers, promoting economic growth and diversity in the UK.

The application process is pretty straightforward, but this visa is non-renewable, making it an unsuitable route for those looking to stay longer in the UK.

Ancestry Visa

This allows commonwealth citizens with a grandparent born in the UK to come to the UK with intention to work. This visa is granted for five years. Your dependants – partner and children under 18 – can come with you or join you at any time during the validity period of your visa. You will be entitled to apply for indefinite leave to remain after five years of residence and your dependants can apply with you whether they have been resident in the UK for five years or not.