UK Businesses that Started during Covid-19 and Why

18th May 2021

Expectation has it that business startups should slow down during a pandemic, but the Covid-19 experience shows that it is not always true. New research conducted by industrial experts shows that people or business owners have started their business despite the effect of the pandemic. As restriction lets more people buy products online, the online retail industry and freelancing boom. It also applies to other sectors of the economy, allowing entrepreneurs to start their business despite Covid-19.

Note: In the past year alone, the UK has experienced a rise in business creation despite the restriction in place because of the pandemic. New businesses or startups have shot out by region. Before looking at the region, let’s look at the sectors concerned. The online retail sector witnessed a 5.4% increase in business creation, while the IT consultancy received a 2% increase. Management consultancy receives a 3.5% increase in business creation despite the restrictions placed on movement. The regions that receive new business creation are London which accounts for 135, 074. While the South East sees 42 774 new businesses. South West sees  20 000 new business creations.

Type of UK Businesses 

Composite Decking Store

Covid-19 and the resultant restrictions make homeowners stay at home. It enables homeowners to have more time for their home. So, they have to improve the appearance of their home. One way most homeowners have improved their home is by building decking in their garden. Then the demand for a good decking like composite decking increases. That is why the composite decking industry also witnesses startups during Covid-19. It is because the sale of composite decking did not experience a reduction in sales.

Compositewarehouse UK is one composite materials store that started during Covid-19. As a composite material supplier, Compositewarehouse UK supplies different kinds of composite products like decking, cladding and fencing. This composite material supplier is located in Warrington in the UK and establishes itself as a top player in the composite decking industry. They supply newer-generation composite decking that looks attractive and lasts longer than timber decking. Despite restrictions, Compositewarehouse UK has witnessed increased sales during Covid-19 though it is a new company.

Online Fashion Store

Online fashion stores are one of the businesses that started during Covid-19. This kind of internet business allows customers or clients to view your fashion products on their devices without going to your store. As there are no restrictions on online activities, getting customers to shop online fashion was easier because the restriction placed on movement enables customers to switch to their mobile device to find ways for getting what they want. Most online fashion store owners have become creative by reinventing old style and presenting it to customers in a way that they love. It makes it straightforward for them to start their online fashion store and get it to their clients fast.

Takeaway and Delivery Business

Another business that was started during Covid-19 is the takeaway and delivery business. This business is possible because the demand for takeaway food and other delivery products is high. Most food and drink businesses are indeed having a challenging year, but many food businesses have found ways to adapt during restrictions. The food industry adapts by offering delivery to homes so that their customers will get what they want without stressing themselves. Another type of business that was started during Covid-19 and similar to takeaway is the delivery business. Since shoppers are moving online because they can go out, they need someone or people to get their orders. The delivery sector witnessed new creation as individuals with the necessary equipment could start their own order delivery business. They do this by partnering with most online stores to help deliver the orders to customers.

Online Teaching Business

Another business that started during Covid-19 is the online teaching business. This kind of teaching business makes it possible for teachers to connect with their students online without physically reaching their students. The growth of such video platforms like Zoom and Hangout makes it possible for those with teaching skills to create a profile. Music trainers and fitness instructors also take advantage of online teaching to reach their audience.

Freelance Digital Marketer

Freelancing has been around before the pandemic. But the restriction makes it more popular. Digital marketing business is easy to set for anyone that has the skills. Restriction on movement makes some businesses cut down the number of their workers and turn to freelancers who will do the job for them. Since most businesses are going online, the need for freelance digital marketers is increasing. Website creation, social platform promotion and other online services are things freelance digital marketers do for their clients. That is why this business activity boom during Covid-19 despite the restrictions.


Another business that started during Covid-19 is the drop-shipping business. This business is similar to the online retail and delivery business, except you don’t have to own the goods. Drop-shipping has been around before the pandemic but gained popularity because people are not allowed to move. Since the demand for online products is high, creating a drop-shipping business will ensure the customers get what they want quickly. Drop-shipping witnessed growth during the pandemic and is one of the businesses created by folks who lost their employment due to Covid-19.


Some businesses in the UK witness new creation as a result of Covid-19 restrictions. People started businesses like takeaway and delivery, fashion store, drop-shipping, and freelance digital marketing during Covid-19.