Two arrested in Southport: drugs, cash, and electric bikes seized

11th September 2024

Police have arrested two men and seized suspected drugs, cash and electric bikes following an incident in Southport on Monday, 9 September.

At around 4pm, a report was received of two males being seen riding electric bikes down Arnside Road. Both were pursued and detained for a search. Suspected cocaine, cash and two electric bikes were seized. One is believed to have been adapted and the other stolen.

A 21-year-old man from Netherton was arrested on suspicion of Possession with intent to supply Class A drugs; Acquire/use/possess criminal property and Handling stolen goods.

A 21-year-old man from Litherland was arrested on suspicion of Possession with intent to supply Class A drugs; Disqualified driving; and other RTA offences.

Both have been conditionally bailed pending further enquiries.

Detective Inspector Paul McVeigh said: “This was an excellent piece of police work which resulted in two suspects being swiftly and safely detained. Our investigation is ongoing and I would ask anyone who was in the area on Monday and saw electric bikes being ridden to come forward with any CCTV, dashcam or other images and footage which may assist.

“We are aware of the risks posed to our community by reckless use of the roads and the associated serious and organised crime, as well as the fear and distress that road users feel when confronted with this dangerous riding. Information from those communities affected is vital in removing illegally modified and stolen vehicles from the streets, so work with us and we will keep taking positive action.”

Any information on the illegal and antisocial use of electric and off-road bikes, or drugs being stored and supplied where you are? Contact us @MerPolCC, 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. Always call 999 if a crime is in process.