Tory MP under pressure over “unlawful” advice to the Queen

24th September 2019

Damien Moore is being questioned about whether he knew Boris Johnson misled the Queen about suspending Parliament earlier this month.

In a shocking decision today, the Supreme Court ruled that Mr Johnson acted “unlawfully” when he asked Her Majesty to prorogue Parliament. He told her it was so the government could prepare new legislation, but secret documents revealed that it was actually to do with No Deal Brexit.

Southport’s Conservative MP, Damien Moore, is part of the government’s No Deal team. After the Lib Dems and other opposition parties protested the suspension, Mr Moore gave different reasons to justify it — including Brexit. This has prompted people to ask if he knew about the “unlawful” attempt to mislead the Queen.

Dr John Pugh, the former MP for Southport, said: “Several weeks ago, I invited Damien to speak to local councillors and explain why Parliament was prorogued — but sadly he ignored my request.

“Given how high up he is in the government, today’s decision raises some worrying questions about why he avoided discussing it.”

The Lib Dem candidate John Wright added: “When Boris Johnson suspended Parliament, legislation that really matters to people was shelved — like the Domestic Abuse Bill.

“I think Damien Moore needs to come clean about what he knew and when he knew it.”