Top Online Blackjack Tips You Can Use In Business

7th December 2023

Blackjack is one of the most popular games there is when it comes to the world of online casinos. Unlike slots there is a certain level of strategy involved. You aren’t just hitting the spin button and hoping for the best. The dealer can’t make his next move until you make yours. You can dictate the table, and dictate what’s happening next, which gives you an element of control.

For years, land-based casinos were popular for business meetings for people to take their clients for some food and entertainment, but how can businesses use online blackjack specifically and the tips from that game in their real world negotiations and running of their company? Let’s find out below.


Reading the Casino Rule Book

Research is critical in the business world. When you are going into a meeting, entering into a new market – understand the rules and regulations in place.  You wouldn’t sit down at a casino table, part with your hard-earned cash without having a decent understanding of the rules.

There are rules in Blackjack of course that need to be followed which are stringent, but there are also rules of thumb. Good practice so to speak, such as stick on 17 if the dealer has a 10. For those of you who are casino veterans who are already familiar with online blackjack strategy, you will no doubt apply these from time to time in-play.

There are soft rules in business too, business etiquette. Things that you should and shouldn’t do when engaging in business.  Things don’t need to be legislation or a legal requirement, but general advice that should be followed within certain markets or jurisdictions.  It’s not just the hard rules you need to take into consideration.


Strategizing and Playing Ahead

You always need to be ahead of the game. When it comes to Blackjack and business, you should always think about what might be coming next and strategize accordingly. Never be left by surprise.

If you have 16 for example when the dealer deals your hand at blackjack, and the dealer has a 10. What would you do? If you stick – the odds may be he would draw another 10 and win. Or if you twist, you could go bust. You need to think of every possible eventuality. The same in business. Not only do you need to think about what might happen after your next move, but what might happen when other people make their move. To be as prepared as possible, make sure you consider every angle. You may need to make reactive decisions, but ensure you have all your ducks in a row first.


There is More than You at the Table

Although blackjack is an individual game, that doesn’t mean that your play can’t affect the others at the table.  Whether you are in a physical casino, or at a live-dealer casino – positioning is key. There needs to be an understanding that what you do with the hands you are dealt, could have a direct impact on others that are at the same table as you.

It’s the domino effect.  If you have a business, you need to understand that although there will be times you need to make individual decisions, there are other people that those choices might affect.  You need to be empathetic, and compassionate in your decision-making process.


Be Courteous to the Dealer!

The world is evolving where people pay far closer attention to the way businesses treat their staff, suppliers and customers. You will have a much more enjoyable experience at a land-based casino (or online casino that has live-dealers) if you are nice to the croupier.

It makes conversation flow better, it builds rapport, and it will allow you to be in a relaxed state of mind where you can make better choices.  People can often forget the importance of building relationships and nurturing them in the business world.  Things are far less transactional than they used to be. People expect business relationships that go beyond pleasantries and warm handshakes.



If you are in business, and have a penchant for the online casino world, and blackjack is your game – then take some of that winning mindset over to the running of your company.  There are lots that’s transferable with the potential  to win big.