Tips to win the war in Call Of Duty Warzone

16th February 2022

Call of Duty: Warzone is a strange creature. Since its release in March 2020, the battle royale has attracted the interest of millions of participants. There’s never been a better time to dive into the free-to-play game and learn a few Call of Duty: Warzone hints along the way, with more people holed up indoors playing games with their pals online.


Warzone, like most other battle royale games, features an ever-shrinking circle, a king of the hill-style hunt, restricted weapons and equipment, and well-known drop sites. However, its Gulag second chance system and respawn possibilities make it one of the most approachable battle royales for newcomers to learn and play.

Wisely choose your drop wisely


There are favourite drop sites for the players in Call of Duty, but they aren’t always available. Make sure you’re familiar with a few areas so you can drop without fear of being flanked or marked by a big structure.


If you’re not an aggressive player, you’ll want to stay away from areas right beneath the flight path, as experienced squads will be looking for easy targets. If you’re new to the game, it’s definitely better to stay away from areas like Verdansk, and Rebirth Island for the time being. Using trusted warzone hacks at Lavicheats can make you invincible and ensure smooth gaming without any obstruction.

Take contracts seriously

Do you require some cash, loot, or information? That is covered under a contract. Verdansk has a variety of contracts available, each of which offers something unique. Some contracts are situational, such as Most Wanted contracts, but others can be acquired at any point during the game.


The benefit of recon contracts is that they provide you advance notice of the next circle. You can narrow the circles right down to the end if you do several of them in a succession, giving you a positional edge over everyone else.


Build loadouts in the game

If you want to be successful in Warzone, you’ll need to have a few different loadouts to choose from. As a starting point, check out our list of the top Warzone guns. If the last circle is headed towards a more urban region, you might want to go with a close-quarters loadout, but if it’s out in the open, you might want to go with a sniper class.


While personalised weaponry is crucial, it’s also essential devoting effort to choosing the best perks. Most Modern Warfare/Cold War/Vanguard bonuses have Warzone-specific benefits, with some being greater than others like Verdansk and Rebirth Island.

Don’t shoot if it is not a definite kill


In Call of Duty: Warzone, the element of surprise is huge. So, when you see an opponent, don’t be alarmed. Take your time to properly position yourself and aim. Open fire whenever you’re certain your shots will hit the enemy.


A confirmed kill is beneficial in a variety of ways. It reduces the number of people who can kill you, for starters. Second, a long-drawn-out gunfight will bring unwelcome attention to itself. So, while you’re focusing on one attacker, you can find yourself the target of a third. We don’t want it to happen.