Third place is an embarrassment for Southport Lib Dems

9th June 2017
Southport Lib Dems

Third place is an embarrassment for Southport Lib Dems.

Veteran Southport journalist Martin Hovden writes: No matter how they try to spin it, the Liberal Democrat performance in Southport yesterday was appalling. Not only did they lose the seat which they’ve held for 20 years – that’s two decades – but their candidate Sue McGuire was pushed into an embarrassing third place by a rejuvenated and energised Labour Party.

And the blame rests entirely at their own door.

For years they argued our town is a two-horse race between the Tories and themselves, knowing full well they need the tactical votes of Labour supporters to win the seat.

But how do they repay that support? By using every opportunity (apart from around general election time) to slam Labour councillors from Bootle. They accuse Labour representatives for everything that’s wrong with Southport. And yet many of the cutbacks currently causing upset in Sefton were instigated when the Lib Dems were in a coalition government with the Tories.

The public – especially Labour supporters – have finally seen through the Lib Dem arrogance and two-faced approach to politics.

Add to this the national party’s disgraceful betrayal of young people over tuition fees; their unappetising enthusiasm to form a coalition with the Conservatives; plus former Southport MP John Pugh’s decision to vote in favour of the bedroom tax but against same sex marriage – and you have a good idea why the party, which used to command so much respect for its belief in fair play and equality, is now struggling to survive in Southport and the rest of the country.

And their decision to call for a second referendum on Brexit enraged those who either voted to leave Europe or those who voted to stay but accepted the result of last year’s vote.

Just look at the figures. The Lib Dems won 21,707 votes in Southport in 2010; in 2015 it dropped to  13,652 and yesterday it sank even further to 12,661. The writing is scrawled big and loud on the wall.

Meanwhile, Labour are on the march in the town. Full praise to candidate Liz Savage who played a blinder in this general election and the one two years ago. She doubled Labour’s vote in 2015 to 8,468 and yesterday she boosted that figure to 15,627, an amazing 3,000 more votes than the Lib Dems.

There’s no doubt this impressive increase came from Labour voters who abandoned tactical support for the Lib Dems, plus the great and very healthy increase in the number of young people voting, inspired by Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn. And it’s likely Liz gained votes from former UKIP supporters.

Watch out for next year’s Sefton Council elections. Will Southport elect its first Labour councillor?

Southport Green Party will regret not standing in the town for many years to come. You either have views and principles that you’re prepared to put to a public test through an election or you don’t. They urged their supporters to back the Lib Dems – and the Lib Dem vote dropped.

Finally the winner and Southport’s new Conservative MP Damien Moore. He’s just 37 years old and will now start house-hunting in the town while he settles into his new role.

He boosted his vote from 12,330 to 18,541, thanks in some part to the collapse of UKIP. The Conservatives are currently recovering from the shock of the national result so it’s too early to say what responsibilities he will have in the House of Commons.

At the time of writing Theresa May is still Prime Minister of a hung parliament. Time will tell whether we have another general election later this year or whether we wait until 2022.

As I’m now 65 I was thinking of making this election the last one I will cover. But politics has suddenly become very interesting in Southport. I reserve the right to change my mind.