Things to keep in mind regarding text message analysis

28th June 2024

Making analysis of text messages is a popular method in studying human behaviour and relations in society. Thus, the study of texts as the population texts texting as a medium of communication grows helps to understand the ways people communicate, build relationships, share information, and use language. Nevertheless, text message analysis can define specific features and needs some consideration of several factors. In this article, 5 key considerations have been proposed as helpful guidelines to follow when engaging in the interpretation of text messages.

1.      Context is crucial

It is crucial to understand that when one has received a text message, one needs to understand the background of the message. It is helpful to learn more about the story behind the specific messages, what had happened between the two people before that message was sent, and other events in the lives of the senders. For example, the lack of a quick response can mean that one of the interlocutors is irritated or it can simply be that he or she had a lot of work during the day and could not answer right away.

In addition, it is still possible that cultural and generational parameters define what counts as acceptable language in texts and these should also be taken into consideration when conducting analysis. Even the medium offers context here; texts, as written texts are, are informal; they imitate spoken conversations. Before we proceed turning texts into something they never were, it is important to pay attention to the context of the texts.

2.      Lack of Non-Verbal Cues

It was also noted that, unlike vocal communication, text messages do not involve the use of tone, pitch, and facial expressions that contribute to the process of conveying emotions when people are together. Often, it is difficult to understand the subtext of a conversation or to know whether something said is said sarcastically, angrily, affectionately, etc. Impossible to make a light hearted text seem innocent without the body language that goes with it or the tone of voice. Thirdly, unlike face-to-face conversations, text’s short messages allow misunderstanding the underlying purpose.

Do not forget that you can hardly capture the feeling behind the text or some undertone as accurately. This is to ensure that one does not fast an emotion, or assume something that may be wrong according to the sender when they are contacted. This is because, while the texts’ tonal interpretations may be questionable, the content can be highly informative and important.

3.      Individual language patterns matter

The importance of the roles of these variables is that, in order to correctly analyze the texts of a person, it is necessary to take into account their individual language profile. Some use more abbreviations, emojis or clipped sentence structures than others do in their writing styles. Its usage frequency also differs with individuality aspects such as the number of common typos, spelling, or grammatical errors.

It assists in explaining the repeated individual language behavior when it comes to textual analysis so as to avoid development of ambiguous conclusions. For instance, there might be a low number of emojis in the messages, which indicates something is not well or that the excitement has waned. However, for someone who has not been using emojis frequently in his/her communication, the same text messages, would not have had any connotation of a problem. As one of the components of text message analysis, it is also important to take into account such things as specific language patterns of the given individual.

4.      Relationships impact messaging

Interpersonal texting interactions also significantly rely on the existing relationship between the two individuals. Communication between two individuals romantically involved is different from communication within the work environment in that the former has intimacy and warmth that is usually not present. It is also evident that individuals who are close friends may use casual language in conversation and even use jokes as opposed to when they are talking to their relatives. The texts also ensure that there is understanding of the expectations of the bond to be in the text – a best friend would anticipate a response than a stranger.

Bear in mind that texts are the avenue for a certain period of relationships. Thus text analysis should also incorporate the relationship context. For instance, sharing of jokes typical for friend grouping and memes should not be treated as a sign of disrespect if they are observed in working environments. The gender of the parties in a relationship should also be taken into consideration when dealing with texts.

5.      Texts are part of a connected conversation

They are all connected to a certain extent; there is no standalone text. Sequential bolts of text messages put together constitute dialogues and follow up conversations between users. As a result, each text has the function to continue the history and context of the messaging. This refers to the fact that something said in another previous text, which might not have much sense on its own, could help in understanding the meaning of another text.

Maintain focus on the idea that texting is a connected mode of communication, where the texts are part of a larger flowing conversation and avoid overthinking the meaning of a particular message without reference to the rest of the conversation. Closely analyzing multiple consecutive texts as the developing conversation provides more appropriate interpretations compared to analyzing each given text as for the separate communication act. It further suggests that for the sake of understanding, one should consider not only the textual forest but the textual trees as well.


While text messages have brought about new challenges they also present a new avenue of research into interpersonal communication in the information age. By applying the following considerations into using texts to study contemporary relationships and linguistics, an enhanced analysis will be achieved: context, identification of tone, individual writing styles, dynamics of the relationships and the interconnected system of conversations.