The Science Behind Fortune Telling

6th February 2023

Fortune telling, also known as divination, is the practice of predicting events or providing information about a person’s life by interpreting signs or omens. The concept of fortune-telling has been around for thousands of years, and various methods have been used throughout history to predict the future. Some of the most popular methods include astrology, tarot reading, palmistry, and numerology.


1. Astrology

Astrology is one of the oldest forms of fortune-telling, dating back to ancient civilizations such as the Babylonians and Egyptians. Astrology is based on the belief that the positions and movements of celestial bodies, such as the sun, moon, and stars, have an influence on human affairs. Astrologers use a person’s birth date and time to create a natal chart, which is used to predict the individual’s future. Some people even uproot their lives and relocate based on a locational astrology reading.


2. Tarot Reading

Tarot reading is another popular form of fortune-telling. Tarot cards are a deck of 78 cards, each with a unique image and symbolism. A tarot reader will use the cards to provide insight into a person’s past, present, and future. The tarot reader will often ask the person seeking a reading to choose a specific number of cards and then will interpret the meaning of the cards based on their position in the spread and their relationship to one another.


3. Palmistry

Palmistry is the practice of reading a person’s palm to predict their future. This method is based on the belief that the lines and shapes on a person’s palm can provide information about their character, personality, and destiny. A palm reader will look at the various bars and mounts on the palm, such as the lifeline, heart line, and headline, to make predictions about the person’s future.


4. Numerology

Numerology is another method of fortune telling that is based on the belief that numbers have a special significance in our lives. Numerologists use a person’s birth date and name to create a numerology chart, which is then used to predict the individual’s future.

Despite the popularity of these methods, there is little scientific evidence to support the claims made by fortune tellers. In fact, many experts consider fortune telling to be a pseudoscience, meaning it lacks a scientific basis and is not supported by evidence. 

Another issue with fortune-telling is that it is often based on anecdotal evidence. Many people seek to check out today’s fortune online or in the newspaper. If a fortune teller makes a prediction that comes true, the person is more likely to attribute this to the fortune teller’s abilities rather than to chance.

Additionally, many of the methods used in fortune-telling are based on superstition and lack a logical or scientific explanation. For example, the belief that the position of celestial bodies can influence human affairs is not supported by evidence. Similarly, scientific research does not support the idea that the lines on a person’s palm can provide information about their future.



In conclusion, while fortune-telling may be an exciting and entertaining practice, it lacks a scientific basis and is not supported by evidence. Instead of relying on the predictions of fortune tellers, it is important to make important life decisions based on facts and logic.

Fortune telling has been around for thousands of years, but the science behind it is still a mystery. While some believe that tarot reading and astrology can be used to predict the future, much of the evidence suggests this is inconclusive. Throughout history, there have been numerous studies attempting to unlock the potential of fortune-telling to provide meaningful insight into people’s futures. 

Recent research suggests that humans may use certain unconscious cognitive processes when hearing fortune tellers’ predictions, in which case it could be possible that using readings as guidance might be beneficial. 

Alternatively, skeptics suggest fortune telling relies heavily upon coincidence and wishful thinking. Whatever your feelings on the topic may be, it’s clear that more scientific studies are needed to understand what lies at the heart of fortune telling.