The Role of Gemstones in Engagement Ring: Beyond Diamonds

19th August 2024

One of the most preferred types for an engagement ring is diamonds, and as a woman, resizing to get that right one is challenging. Diamonds’ purity, strength and eternal beauty have formed a symbol of love & affection. Nevertheless, more and more individuals are looking into other gemstones to make their engagement rings unique and distinctive. The change in preference hints at more than personal tastes, though — it also considers how many beautiful and symbolically significant choices appear to be available.

Why Explore Beyond Diamonds?

It seems no coincidence that those who choose something other than a diamond for their engagement ring do so as an expression of personal style. Its importance has to reflect who you are, as the engagement ring represents more than just your love. Diamonds are always excellent, but gemstones come in many colours and, therefore, varieties of meanings and styles that can bring the ring a unique significance.

Additionally, compared to diamonds, other precious stones are less expensive, so couples can save money or purchase a more significant or fancier stone. It can also be an environmentally friendly choice, as some gemstones have a smaller environmental footprint when mined or sourced from sustainable practices.

Popular Gemstones for Engagement Ring


For this reason, sapphires are an ideal choice for an attractive gemstone that stands up to regular use. While traditionally royal blue, sapphires come in a colourful array, including pink, yellow, and green. They rank nine on the Mohs scale, just behind diamonds in durability, making them perfect for everyday wear.


Emeralds are always a beautiful choice with their deep green hue. They are gems with a lot of history and symbolism, representing love, fertility, and rebirth. Nonetheless, the emeralds score 7.5-8 on the Mohs scale and are softer than sapphires and diamonds, so they need to be appropriately handled so as not to scratch them up. Nevertheless, its unusual colour and old-fashioned appeal make it a perfect choice if you are looking for an individual but classic ring style.


Known for their hot red colour, rubies symbolise passion and power. While not as tough, rubies are still hard gemstones with a Mohs 9 ranking, which makes them durable enough for everyday wear. Their vibrant hues and romantic, courageous connotations make them a bold choice against the traditional diamond.


Morganite engagement rings feature a peach-pink semi-precious stone that has gained popularity. With its soft, romantic hues, morganite is now highly coveted for its rarity and affordable price. However, with a hardness of 7.5 to 8 on the Mohs scale, it’s not the hardest stone. Consider if you can handle Morganite or need something tougher like sapphire or ruby. Its soft colour and affordability make it an appealing choice.


Its serene blue-green colour recalls the sea and imparts a calming vibe. Sapphire (7.5 to 8 on Mohs)—Hard enough for an engagement ring! Aquamarine’s blue or green hues, alongside its sheer clarity and brightness, make it a fantastic option for fans of subtle yet vivid gemstones.


Tourmaline, with its unique range of cascading colours, is priced higher due to its colour variation. This allows couples to choose a stone tailored to their style. With a hardness of 7 to 7.5 on the Mohs scale, Tourmaline is a solid choice in any colour or shade.

Considerations for Choosing a Gemstone

An excellent tip to remember is that when choosing a stone for an engagement, the interesting factors are not only aesthetics.


Whenever you wear it, engagement ring rings are meant to be worn daily, so this is very important; the stone has durability. For instance, sapphires and rubies are more durable than emeralds or morganites.


During her time working with clients who have asked for what would be the most potent gemstones to use in different sutras, he finds that there are colours related to mantras or some other systems. Colour — Consider what colour would work well with the recipient, and go from there:

Clarity and Cut

This factor influences a gemstone’s brightness and clarity. No matter the gem, a quality cut will accentuate its inherent beauty.

Ethical Sourcing

If you are environmentally or ethically minded about mining resources for gems, such as those that fund wars and other atrocities, then lab-grown gemstones or otherwise responsibly sourced gems are for you.


Given the vast number of gemstones available beyond diamonds, couples have a wide range to pick from when choosing an engagement ring that reflects their individuality and values. Be it the bright blue of a sapphire, the vivid red of a ruby, or the calm sea-blue aquamarine, every gemstone has its charm and importance. With elements such as durability, colour, and ethical sourcing, couples can choose a gemstone that appeals to their style and might also symbolise specific values in how they live together.