The Role of a Police Report in Winning a Car Accident Claim

30th September 2024

After a car accident, it can be frustrating to deal with the damage to your car, possible injuries, and the added stress of legal matters. The police report is extremely important in these situations.

Some people don’t realize its significance, but it’s valuable for winning a car accident claim. Going without it is like entering a battle without armor. You could technically survive without it, but it’s a risk you don’t want to take.

Considering all of these, it’s quite important for you to understand how crucial it is to get a car accident report, as it can greatly impact the outcome of your claim.

What Exactly is a Police Report?

After an accident, the police create a report with details of what happened. It includes

  • The time, location, and specifics of the accident
  • The people involved
  • Witness accounts
  • The assessment of fault

This report is independent and unbiased, and it’s an official document that presents the facts clearly and straightforwardly. The information in the report is collected by a police officer who visits the scene of the accident and conducts an investigation.

Why Does a Police Report Matter?

A police report is an unbiased summary from a trained law officer who investigates accidents. It’s important because it is used by insurance companies and the courts to figure out the facts of the case.

Without this report, proving the facts can be difficult. And with that, insurance companies will do whatever they can to challenge your claim. They’re not in the business of paying out large settlements.

The police report backs up your story and makes it harder for the insurance company to avoid offering fair compensation.

How Does the Report Help in a Claim?

First, the report determines who is responsible for the accident. If the report shows that the other driver ran a red light and caused the accident, you have a strong basis for your claim.

Secondly, it explains the order of events during the accident, which can be helpful if the accident involved multiple vehicles or if there are conflicting stories about what happened.

Also, the report indicates if someone was under the influence of drugs or alcohol, which is an important factor in determining liability.

The Effect of a Police Report on Insurance Companies

Insurance companies find police reports useful because they make it easier for the companies to figure out who’s at fault and process claims.

But if a police report strongly supports your case, the insurance company may want to settle quickly because they know they might lose if it goes to court.

If you have a strong police report, the insurance company may have less power, and you might have a better chance of getting the compensation you deserve.

What If There’s No Police Report?

If there was no police report filed, perhaps because the accident seemed minor or the police didn’t come, you still have options, but it will be harder. You’ll need evidence like photos, medical records, and witness statements. Without the official police report, it will be more challenging to prove your side of the story.

How to Get a Police Report

Obtaining the police report is usually simple. The officer at the scene will tell you how to get it. You can also contact the local law enforcement agency that dealt with the accident. They will have a record of it, and for a small fee, you can request a copy.

This is a small price to pay for something that could greatly help your claim. Many people skip this step, thinking it’s unnecessary or too much trouble. Putting in a little effort early on can save you a lot of trouble later.