The key features of a good slot game

7th June 2024

Playing slots has been a true fan favourite for a number of years, with people all around the world playing their favourite slot games online every day. There’s something just so simple about playing slots, with the game solely down to luck and there not being skill required to play.

Although some slot games have more design, features, and sounds than other games, that doesn’t always translate to being a better game. So, what exactly makes a good slot game? In this article we’ll be taking a look into the key features that make a good slot game.


Free spins

Who doesn’t love free spins? You’re basically getting something for free as a thank you for playing. Most slot games these days will offer some form of free spins for either completing in-game events and challenges throughout the game, or other times they will give you this as a reward when you sign up to the website giving you a HeadStart as you already have extra funds ready to play.

By doing this you’re giving the player more of a chance to get to know and enjoy your game, and if they do enjoy your game, they’re more likely to stay on and deposit more money.

There is more than one way you can play slots however, with websites such as Megaways slots offering multiple different types of slot games with different features and designs.


Bonus rounds

Just like above in free spins, it’s a great idea to offer players bonus rounds. This is when part way through the game, if players hit a certain criteria or symbol, they’re taken to another screen where they play a bonus round with a chance to win further prizes or money. This is a great way to engage with the players as it offers a sense that the players come first and they’re giving the opportunity to gain additional extras. As they don’t come up all the time, when they do, it can fill the player with joy knowing they’ve won a little something else.


Mini games

Whilst we all do love spinning that slot machine, after any slot game can become repetitive and a bit boring. By adding mini games into their slot game, this not only breaks up the spinning, but gets the player involved and interacting with the game. These games can range from anything and usually match the theme of the game. For example, if the theme of the slot game is racing, then the mini game could be a small racing game to collect further spins.

Simple things like this go a long way in switching it up for the player and breaking up their playing experience. If all the player sees is the slot machine, they may end up getting bored and stop playing, whereas if there are mini games involved, this can get the player to concentrate and focus, meaning they’re more likely to stay after to continue.


High return to player

Whilst the majority of slot players just want to have fun, it’s also nice to win some money once in a while. This means it’s a good idea to have a high return to player. This means the higher the return to player, the higher the chance they’ll win some money. This is great as if a player is constantly spinning but not winning anything, they’re less likely to continue playing. However, if they’re winning more frequently or quite often, the player is much more likely to continue playing and carry on.



The graphics are arguably one of the most important features of a slot game. This is the one thing the player always sees when playing, it’s there when they switch on the game and there when they finish. If the layout and the game looks poor quality and cheap, it comes across as the game isn’t very good. The game could be the best slot game of all time, but if it looks cheap, not many people will play it.

That’s why it’s important to ensure your slot game looks crisp and up to date, with a theme that doesn’t look old fashioned or outdated to both keep old players and attract new ones.

If you’ve got a good-looking game, you’re more than likely going to get more players than if your game doesn’t look nice, as if you’re going to be playing for hours, you want to be looking at a nicely designed game!

Slot games are really for everyone, and because of this you have to make a game that appeals and pleases everyone which can be very difficult. However, by following the above tips and guides, you’ll be well on your way to making a fantastic, great looking slot game that’s loved by players.