The importance of a clean office space

15th April 2021

As restrictions ease and we all begin to slowly go back into the office, it’s important that the areas in which we work are clean and safe for us to be in. A correctly sanitised and managed office will provide employees with the comfort of knowing that they can return to work without worrying about the levels of sanitisation. Properly trimmed and groomed grounds maintenance West Bromwich makes it absolutely spectacular and aesthetically pleasing.

Why should office spaces be clean?

A clean and tidy office space means that everyone there is safe from any risks or hazards that could be posed to them. Clean surfaces prevent the spread of germs and are generally more pleasant to look at – let’s face it, a stained and sticky worktop is unsightly!

The workplace is a harbouring ground for germs if surfaces and doorhandles aren’t regularly cleaned, simply due to how many people pass through the space each day. Viruses can spread quickly around office spaces as things are touched and passed on to the next person without correctly being sanitised.

Things like keyboards and mice, door handles and taps, desks, fridges, and dining areas are the most common areas for germs to manifest.

What should you avoid?

When planning out your office space, avoid overcrowding. A space with too many people crammed into it becomes stuffy and unproductive, not to mention a quick decent into clutter and germs. Encourage open spaces for working and avoid awkward chairs and desks that restrict your staff or make them feel ‘closed in’. Staff that feel like they are going to be distracting others by squeezing past them to get to the bin are most likely to leave their rubbish at their desk rather than disposing of it correctly.

Also try to avoid soft furnishings that are difficult to clean and can stain easily where possible, instead replace them with wipe-clean surfaces and lighter, brighter colours that can be cleaned without missing a spot.

What are the benefits?

A clean workspace provides everyone with a better time at work. There are no unpleasant smells or stains to look at and, without any clutter to cause trips and falls, you’re caring for the wellbeing of your staff.

Staff will be able to focus better and feel more motivated to work in a clean environment, rather than sluggish and unable to concentrate due to distracting odours and the fear of potentially getting unwell due to poor workplace hygiene.

Visitors and new starters will see your workplace as a bright and inviting space, as opposed to a dump that they can’t wait to get away from. A clean space gives good first impressions. It shows that you are a focused, well organised company that can work well with structure and planning.

What can you use to clean with?

Ensure that you have an industry standard antibacterial spray or wipes to thoroughly clean down all surfaces and things that might have been touched by employees. You’ll want a long-lasting product that will keep surfaces sanitised for a few hours in between your cleaners’ visits.

Be sure that floors and carpets are regularly mopped and hoovered with a floor cleaning gel and that wet floor signs are displayed to alert staff of any potential hazards if the area hasn’t had time to dry before their shift starts.

Bins and other waste products should be removed from the building and disposed of correctly to avoid a build up of waste that causes an unpleasant smell or allows food to start to rot.

When cleaning and dusting technology-specific items, such as keyboards and touch screen computers, you will need to use products specifically designed to clean areas where you are unable to reach which is when an air duster or electronic wipes will be appropriate rather than a generic cleaning product as it might cause damage to the internal components.