The Impact of Financing Shortages on SMEs

29th August 2024

The ongoing struggle of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the UK to secure necessary financing has led to significant disruptions in business activities. Recent research commissioned by Manx Financial Group PLC has revealed that nearly one-third (31%) of SMEs have been forced to pause or halt critical operations due to a lack of access to external finance. This alarming statistic highlights the pressing need for innovative financial solutions and government intervention to support this crucial sector of the UK economy.

Financial Constraints and Economic Challenges

SMEs are the backbone of the UK economy, contributing approximately half of all private sector turnover. Despite their importance, they face persistent challenges in securing external finance. According to the research conducted by Manx Financial Group, the most common activities paused by SMEs due to financing shortages include hiring staff, marketing efforts, launching new products, expanding into new markets, and conducting research and development (R&D).

While there has been a slight improvement compared to the previous year, where 40% of SMEs faced financial difficulties in 2023, the situation remains troubling. Approximately 10% of SMEs that sought external finance were unsuccessful in securing the funds they needed. This inability to access finance is a significant barrier to their growth and innovation.

Barriers to Securing Finance

The survey identified several key barriers preventing SMEs from accessing external finance. These include:

  • High cost of loans (34%)
  • Lengthy approval processes (25%)
  • Lack of flexible repayment terms (25%)
  • Lenders’ misunderstanding of the business (21%)

These obstacles discourage many SMEs from seeking financial assistance. The high cost of borrowing, in particular, exacerbates the financial strain on companies that are already operating on tight margins. As a result, some SMEs are forced to halt growth activities, putting the sustainability of their operations at risk.

Growth Potential with Adequate Financing

Despite the challenges they face, SMEs remain optimistic about their growth prospects if they can secure the appropriate external finance. Over the next 12 months, areas such as sales, market expansion, and new product development are anticipated to drive growth. With the right financial support, many SMEs believe they will be able to grow their businesses by as much as 29%, a significant improvement from the 19% growth forecast in 2023.

The Pivotal Role of FinTech in Reducing Operational Costs

Aside from financing challenges, SMEs are also burdened by the high costs of essential services, such as accounting and financial management. The rising expense of these elements has placed additional strain on smaller businesses, many of which lack the resources to manage these tasks in-house. FinTech solutions, however, offer an effective and affordable alternative.

Modern FinTech platforms provide a wide array of services designed to streamline operations and reduce costs for SMEs. These include automating routine processes, managing payroll, and offering cost-effective accounting services. Through automation, SMEs can reduce manual errors, free up time, and focus on core business activities, helping them become more efficient and resilient.

— Efficient Management of Working Capital

FinTech services can also play a vital role in improving the management of working capital. Effective cash flow management is essential for the survival of SMEs, and FinTech solutions offer tools that help businesses maintain healthy cash flows. By facilitating timely invoicing, improving the collection of receivables, and offering strategic payment solutions, FinTech platforms ensure that businesses have the cash on hand to meet their short-term obligations.

— Cost Reduction Through Automation

By leveraging FinTech services, SMEs can significantly reduce their overheads. Automated processes reduce the need for human intervention, while FinTech platforms often offer more competitive rates than traditional banks for services such as foreign exchange and payment processing.

— Improved Customer Experience and Regulatory Compliance

In addition to internal efficiencies, FinTech solutions enhance the customer experience by offering faster payment options, which can help boost sales and improve customer satisfaction. Moreover, these platforms often include features that ensure compliance with regulatory requirements, reducing the risk of fines or legal issues for businesses.

Addressing Financing and Operational Challenges

The dual challenges of financing shortages and high operational costs have left many UK SMEs struggling to survive. However, with the advent of FinTech solutions and potential government intervention, there is hope for these businesses to overcome these obstacles. FinTech platforms are revolutionising the way SMEs manage their operations, offering cost-effective, efficient, and compliant solutions that allow them to focus on growth and innovation.

As SMEs form a critical part of the UK economy, it is essential that they receive the support they need, whether through improved access to financing or affordable services. By addressing these challenges, the UK can ensure that its SMEs continue to thrive, driving economic growth and innovation in the years to come.