The historical development of technology in the future

20th April 2022

Technology holds huge potential when it comes to development. We would like to discuss the past technologies, and how they affect our future.

Development of technology in the future

Hardly any other development has changed the world as much in recent years and decades as digitization. Technological progress has already caused one upheaval or another in the past. In the present as well as in the future, technologies will play a key role in answering the question: Where is the journey heading? best betting offers 2022 received on different pages, we would now like to take a closer look at the topic. After all, this question is still somewhat unresolved so far.

The beginnings of remote control

It was 1955 when, thanks to the Zenith Flash-Matic TV remote control, mankind was able for the first time to operate the television without having to get up. What sounds unexciting from today’s perspective was a technological advance at the time and the basis for all technologies that are remotely controlled today – from garage doors and alarm systems to car door locks.

Mankind conquers space

In 1957, before satellites, moon landings or even space tourism had even been thought of, the 83-kilogram aluminium “Sputnik” was launched into space. Unfortunately, it did not only bring good things but is also considered the starting point of the Cold War, which was fought on a technological level. Nevertheless, “Sputnik” was a milestone in the history of mankind.

Entertainment reaches a new level

In 1972, entertainment was also revolutionized. It was the birth of “Atari Pong” and thus the predecessor of Playstation, Xbox, Game Boy & Co. Suddenly, the living room at home became the centre of leisure activities – a development that, from today’s perspective, is not necessarily ideal for children and young people. Nevertheless, despite its simplicity, the little game “Pong” grossed no less than 22 million US dollars and virtually triggered a hype. Interestingly, this hype has remained unbroken to this day, and the classic console game is still being “gamed” around the world in a wide variety of versions, some of which have been modernized.

The computer becomes suitable for everyday use

About a decade later, IBM sold the first stand-alone computer for home use in 1981. Although such computing systems had been in use for some time, they were too large and too expensive for the “08/15 user” and incompatible with each other. IBM, on the other hand, created identical software for all computer systems and thus turned them into everyday commodities, especially in the business sector, but later increasingly for private use as well. For example, Tony Sloterman, who is known as the founder of the Casino Bonuses Finder company, is one of those computer advocates who show great enthusiasm in this area.

The Internet creates a new world

The World Wide Web as such already existed before 1995, but the connections were still far too slow and thus anything but suitable for mass use. With the introduction of broadband Internet, however, the bits were finally fast enough to actually surf the Internet, as is common today. Google, YouTube and Amazon – what is now part of normal everyday life was only able to grow thanks to broadband and the subsequent introduction of DSL in 1999.

Final words

Considering the above factors, it quickly becomes clear that humanity has evolved at an incredible speed. However, there is no end to development here. In the future, more technologies will certainly be introduced to the market, which will significantly expand the ones listed above.