The Green Approach: How Crematoriums Can Operate More Sustainably

3rd October 2023

Renewable energy has become the new energy supplier for most businesses deciding to go green. Crematoriums are one of these businesses that have joined the transition to newer energy suppliers. 

Some business processes that use the most energy are cremation. To remain in business, funeral homes and crematoriums must use more sustainable energy methods. 

With that being said, let’s take a look at how crematoriums can become more sustainable. 

Environmentally-Friendly Cremation Options 

With the rise of climate change and the effects of global warming on our planet, cremations have added to the carbon emissions that have led to adverse effects on the environment. 

Burying people takes up land space, and cremations release toxic carbon dioxide into the air. 

Cremations also include vaporised mercury fumes that are from tooth fillings. In 2005, the UK’s mercury emissions were at 16% as a result of hip replacements that used prosthetics and bone cement. 

To combat this, here are some ways crematoriums can become more sustainable. 

Solar Cremation 

This process uses renewable energy to cut costs and save on energy usage by using solar panels in the cremation chamber instead of electricity to power it. 

Turning Your Loved One Into Compost 

This is an eco-friendly manner of disposing of your loved one’s body in Pudsy, Leeds, with a machine called the Resonator. The process is simple; the body is placed in a pressurised canister which submerges the body in a mixture of 150C of water and potassium hydroxide solution for at least three-four hours. 

The mixture dissolves the flesh and leaves behind soft grey bones, which are then ground down in an oven next to the Resomator into paper-white powder. The remaining water in the canister is then sent to be disposed of to a water treatment plant. 

This process is very discreet and is operated out of the family/mourner’s sight by a touchscreen that is started with one tap. 

This has been used on pets and could also become an option for human burials. 

Green Burials 

Green burials are also an option that crematoriums can offer as part of their services. The process can include; 

  • Headstones that are biodegradable or choosing smaller, less intrusive grave markers. 
  • Choosing coffins made from biodegradable materials, such as using cardboard or wood that has not been lacquered. They also do not include any metal handrails on the side. 
  • Choosing not to use any chemical embalming. This adds pollutants that seep into the ground. 
  • Being buried in a shallow grave to help decompose the body sooner. 
  • Cover the body in a shroud with no bleach or dyes and is made of natural material.


This is also known as alkaline hydrolysis, a much more eco-friendly option than flame-based cremation. It uses an alkaline solution and water to break down the body’s organic matter. The liquid is sterile and safely disposed of afterwards, so no toxic chemicals are released into the environment. 

The bones are dried with this process and crushed to be given to the family. There are eco-friendly options that people can choose from when deciding where to bury their loved one’s ashes. 

A Mushroom Infinity Burial Suit 

Although not a cremation type of burial, this is a mushroom suit that people can be buried in and is woven using a mushroom-spore-infused thread made by a California-based green company called Coeio. 

The suit is used to clean the soil and the body of all toxins that would otherwise soak into the environment. It will also deliver nutrients from the body and help feed any surrounding plants or roots.  

The Importance of Using The Green Approach For Crematoriums 

Greener funeral methods have a few benefits that can benefit both the environment and the business. Crematorium owners too may benefit from adopting a different approach to implementing greener ways of doing business. Take the latest news on developing a waste to energy plant in Southport to generate energy responsibly to the benefit of everyone. 

Reducing costs 

Funerals can be expensive, especially for a family that was not prepared to have death policies or any other financial preparations done ahead of time. 

Green options allow for a much cheaper funeral and benefit the business by saving costs on traditional practices. 

Giving People An Extra Burial Choice 

Traditionally, people only had two options for burials: cremation or coffin burials. Today, people have extra burial choices to choose from. 

Reducing Your Business Carbon Footprint

Traditional burial practices can increase your business’s carbon footprint. It also limits the amount of natural resources we have, such as wood and other materials needed to do these practices. 

Using biodegradable material to change the amount of carbon your business is producing can help lessen your business footprint. 

Conservation Of Natural Habitats 

Green burials allow for bodies to decompose naturally, and there is no damage to the ground, such as planting headstones. It also allows for the total decomposition of bodies, giving trees and flowers space to grow. 


The green approach has led companies to make changes for the better. With energy prices sky-high, it’s only necessary that crematoriums also start offering cheaper and eco-friendly ways to bury your loved ones. 

By choosing the green option, you can have peace of mind that you are not contributing to the already damaged atmosphere as a result of adding to global warming. 

For more information on environmentally friendly options and renewable energy, visit