The critical information about CBD oil

19th January 2020

The success of CBD is mainly due to its relaxing effects and its absence of toxicity and harmfulness. Unlike THC, CBD is indeed not a psychotropic drug that alters states of consciousness. Cannabidiol, devoid of psychoactive action, therefore provides the consumer with a feeling of relaxation and well-being without being high.

If you want to buy CBD buds online, you should look at the best European CBD online retailers, companies such as the famous Italian JustBob, propose a fantastic selection of CBD oils and other CBD products online.

What is CBD?

With the CBD molecule, there is, for example, no risk of anxiety attacks or paranoia, the famous “bad trip” associated with THC. CBD also poses no risk of addiction and dependence. CBD is also devoid of any toxicity and has few contraindications.

Last characteristic, and not least, of this cannabinoid which one extracts from the resin or the head of the cannabis plant, it exists in very varied forms: in resin, cannabis flower, in oil, in e-liquid … This wide choice makes it possible to consume it in multiple ways: in herbal tea, in dishes, candies, chewing gum,

How does CBD work?

The effects of CBD are not limited to its antagonism with THC. If the mechanisms of action of CBD are still mostly unknown, the molecule has a proven and targeted effect on specific receptors, such as the serotonin, anandamide and adenosine receptors.

By binding to the serotonin receptors, nicknamed the “happiness hormone”, to activate them, CBD thus causes a feeling of well-being and calm. Researchers have shown, for example, that a high concentration of CBD activates the serotonin 5-HT1A receptors, which are involved in the mechanisms of pain perception as well as appetite, anxiety and sleep.

The mechanism of action of flawless CBD on the receptors for anandamide, an endocannabinoid produced by the body, is different. By slowing down the enzyme that regulates the concentration of anandamide, CBD promotes the presence of this neurotransmitter in the body, which causes a feeling of euphoria.

Finally, CBD acts as an anxiolytic by activating the adenosine receptors, involved in the regulation of cardiovascular functions as well as concentrations of dopamine and glutamate in the brain.

CBD oil is not a drug!

The CBD you find over the counter cannot be considered a drug. Communication around the CBD is legally framed in Europe. Only products authorized by the ANSM (National Medicines Safety Agency) or the European Commission can claim therapeutic claims.

In most countries, CBD is therefore classified as a food supplement. You will never see, on the packaging of CBD, the concepts of drugs, drug treatments or mentions concerning the conditions which can be treated, even if many scientific studies exist on this subject.

Finally, advertising campaigns on products containing CBD that is confusing with cannabis and could, therefore, constitute a criminal offence for inciting the use of drugs are prohibited.

What is the European legislation on CBD?

There is no law concerning the production, sale and consumption of CBD as such. The legislative framework for cannabidiol is set indirectly by the laws concerning hemp and THC. Hemp regulations regulate the maximum rate of active ingredient authorized and the use that can be made of this raw material.

European legislation thus authorizes the sale of hemp, and therefore of CBD, with a maximum level of 0.2% THC. The sale and purchase of CBD are therefore authorized in a majority of countries in Europe, with local variations in the regulations in force.

Switzerland, for example, was a pioneer in the sale of CBD by authorizing products containing less than 0.5% THC in 2011.

Legal framework for CBD oil in the UK

In the UK, it is the marketing and consumption of THC which are regulated by law. According to the public health code which regulates substances classified as narcotic drugs – such as THC – “the production, manufacture, transport … of cannabis, its plant and its resin, products containing it or those obtained from cannabis, its plant or its resin”.

CBD, not classified in narcotic substances, therefore escapes this regulation.

As a raw material used in a medical, food or industrial context (for the manufacture of fabrics, for example), hemp benefits from more than one derogatory legal regime in Europe.

The production, sale and consumption of CBD in the UK are governed by the legislation concerning the plant from which it is derived: hemp.

The use of hemp, and therefore of the CBD which comes from it, is authorized when the plant does not have condemnable narcotic properties.

Besides, only certain varieties of cannabis appearing on an official list drawn up by the health authorities can be produced, sold and consumed. Each type of hemp is characterized in fact by active ingredient rates which differ and are measured on the raw plant. The THC content of the plant before processing must be less than 0.2%.

The best CBD producers

Although there are good CBD cannabis producers across Europe. Only a handful of them has managed to set up CBD cannabis buying structures online of outstanding quality like

Companies such as JustBob, the European leader in CBD cannabis and other CBD oils and hashish online, have developed the best CBD cannabis sales structure in Britain and Europe. Here is another good review UK’s best CBD oils to buy.”

They chose only strains available for perfect large-scale production, in their production areas across Italy, with qualified and certified producers, and regular checks on the part of the government and legal authorities.