Now in its eighth year, the Sefton Eco Champion event recognises individuals who go the extra mile to protect the environment.
Teachers from Sefton Council’s Southport Eco Centre are looking for pupils who care for their environment at school or within their community.
Adult supporters (parents, teachers, teaching assistants, scout and brownie leaders) are asked to nominate them and provide a short testimonial and photographs of their specific project.
Shortlisted applicants will attend a prestigious daytime ceremony at The Ramada Plaza Hotel, who are kind sponsors of the event, on Monday, July 6.
Julie Kirk, Eco Centre Resident Teacher, said: “The Sefton Eco Champions event is a superb way to recognise young people across Sefton who make that extra effort to help the environment and set a good example to others.
“Applicants might be in charge of the school’s organic vegetable patch, lead the fight against energy and water waste or encourage others to travel by bike to school? It can really about anything that encourages green thinking.
“If any school has a candidate who might fit the bill, the Eco Centre would love to hear about them.”
Application information has been sent to all schools and entry forms can be completed online for the Eco Champion or The Ambassador Award.
The closing date is May 15.
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