A British drama, set in 1912 and 1913, that tells the story of the suffragette movement with a cast including Carey Mulligan, Meryl Streep, Helena Bonham Carter, Ben Whishaw, Brendan Gleeson, Romola Garai, Anne-Marie Duff, Adam Nagaitis, Samuel West, Geoff Bell.
Running Time: 104 minutes
Get Involved
We are also looking to hear from you about your first ladies. Get in touch and nominate the lady in your life that has inspired you, or that you simply adore! All you have to do is tweet us using @AtkinsonTheand #AtkFirstLadies and tell us who you are nominating. We will randomly pick 5 people and their guests that tweet us to join us at the special preview on 2 June. Your pictures and tweets will be shown as part of the exhibition in an interactive display.
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