Story time returns to Formby Library

31st January 2018
Story Time returns to Formby library next week with special guest author, the talented Sally-Anne Tapia-Bowes.

Sally-Anne will be reading her book The Tiger Who Slept On The Stairs during two sessions at the Duke Street library on Saturday February 10.

The event is free but booking is essential. Sessions take place at 10:30am and 11:30am.

A spokesman for Formby Library said: “Sally-Anne is a full time English teacher at Alsop High, a mum of three and an accomplished author and storyteller.

She is also a member of the Society for Storytelling and has appeared at several festivals.

Her latest book, ‘The Tiger who slept on the stairs’ is inspired by a trip to France and as with all of her stories, ‘it really happened like this!’

“She will tell tales of France and Spain and will have her books available for purchase and signing on the day.”

To book please contact Formby Library on 01704 874177.