Statement from family of Elsie Dot Stancombe

23rd August 2024

This statement has been released by the family of Elsie on the morning of her funeral today, Friday 23 August, which they want to be known as ‘Elsie’s Special Day.’

Elsie embraced life and it is with positivity, hope and love that we celebrate her life today, 23rd August, on ‘Elsie’s Special Day’.

Elsie spent every day just simply enjoying life with determination, persistence, love and kindness.

Elsie was an amazing little girl. She had the ability to light up any room that she entered, she was truly unforgettable.

She loved to dance, and it goes without saying she was a devoted ‘Swiftie’, she was always up for anything and gave every activity a go, we went to them all. She found her real passion in cheerleading, her weekly classes couldn’t come around quick enough.

Her persistence was admirable, from completing a 3k run and 10k charity walk for her local hospice, as well as moving up books bands in school, everything she did she gave 100% and would never give up.

Our family affirmation is ‘as long as you try your best, enjoy yourself and have fun, nothing else matters’.

‘We are the four best friends in the whole wide world’ – and that mantra will remain with us for the rest of our lives, sound in the knowledge that Elsie is here with us and forever will be in our hearts.

Elsie has brought light, love and joy to so many lives and it has been clear to us in the overwhelming response from everybody that knew her and everybody within the community.

We will be always be grateful for the love and support we have had over these past weeks and we are and will continue to be proud to live in Southport.

To that end, Elsie’s legacy will continue and as a family we will ensure that her impact and legacy endures with positivity and hope and with Elsie by our side forever and always.

For more information on how OTS News will continue to cover the Hart Street attack, the St Luke’s Road riot, and other connected events – please click here