St Teresa’s Super Sports Days!

13th November 2018

St Teresa’s Super Sports Days!

St Teresa’s Year Two children spent a thoroughly enjoyable day at Rock and River in Ormskirk taking part in Archery, climbing and den building activities. All of the children joined in enthusiastically and challenged themselves with new skills and problem solving. They also had a look at the accommodation where they will be sleeping in the summer when they go for a two day activity break.

St Teresa’s uses its Sport Grant to heavily subsidise sports trips such as this one, as well offering free gymnastics, dance and archery after school clubs for the children.

The school also takes part in the Massage in Schools Programme and welcomed parents into a coffee morning where the children popped out of class to give their parents a massage using the strokes they had learned.

Parents said                                                                                                                                                       

 “What a lovely start to the day – when is the next one?”

“What a great thing to do. I will look forward to having some more massages at home”