Southport’s Sir Ron Watson celebrates more than half a century as a councillor

17th March 2025

Sefton Council has honoured its longest serving Councillor as part of its 50 year celebrations.

Southport Councillor Sir Ron Watson CBE has served on Sefton Council since its inception half a century ago and had previously been a member of Southport Town Council before that!

Now Cllr Watson, affectionately referred to as ‘Sir Ron’ by colleagues and officers alike, has been honoured by the Mayor of Sefton Cllr June Burns and Leader of the Council, Cllr Marion Atkinson, to thank him for his decades of service.

Sir Ron, who has always represented the Conservative Party while serving on the Council, said the irony of being thanked by councillors from the Labour, Liberal Democrat and Independent parties, was not lost on him

High Regard

He said: “Bear in mind that while I have seen hundreds of Councillors come and go from all different sides of the Chamber, the vast majority of us share the exact same objectives for our communities and where we disagree relates to the priority we give and the policies we adopt to ultimately bring about what we all want to see.

“I have certainly had a very high regard for a great many Councillors of the other parties and like to think I have been able to work constructively with them in any position I have held.

“I got on particularly well with one Labour Member as we shared the same interest in Jazz and Blues music and we could be in a room with 60 others and be confident that no-one else in the room would have the faintest idea what we were talking about!”

While nowadays both Sir Ron and Sefton are well established, the Dukes Ward Councillor recalls a rocky start to his and the Local Authority’s tenures.


He continued: “The Borough was so diverse that it took a lot of effort right from the outset to try and introduce a structure that met everyone’s requirements.

“The Conservatives had an overall majority of 17 but could not agree who was to be the Leader of the Council with an even split in the vote so for the first year Sefton didn’t even have a Leader!

“This of course was resolved through experience and we moved forward after the first 12 months. We had a team of very good Officers and the Chief Executive at the time really did believe in Local Government and the positive role of Elected Members. Between us all things started to come together in a reasonably positive manner.

“When I was first elected I was told in no uncertain terms by the Leader of the Council not to speak for at least a year! When I moved an amendment at the first Council Meeting I attended, as a form of penance I was put on the Parks & Cemeteries Committee.

“At my first Committee meeting there was a proposal for a new crematorium in Duke Street. One Councillor opposed this very strongly and said it was “a burning issue in his area.

“This provoked quite a response from the other Members and the Chairman had to bang the gavel. Unfortunately for him he said we should not laugh as it was ‘a very grave matter’ – which made everything worse!”


Cllr Marion Atkinson, Leader of the Council and Labour Group, said: “I have always valued Sir Ron’s contribution to council meetings and there is absolutely no doubt of his commitment and determination for his residents and that is the mark of a truly dedicated Ward Councillor.

“It was my pleasure to honour Sir Ron for his tenure and it goes without saying that he deserves to be recognised for his dedication to local government. His hard work is respected by all members and officers alike.”

Cllr Mike Prendergast, Leader of the Sefton Conservative Group, said: “Sir Ron has dedicated his life to public service. Serving 50 years as an elected representative and holding a range of roles within Sefton Council, including as Leader of the Council is an incredible achievement.

“As a colleague, Sir Ron is a font of knowledge and a hardworking ward councillor in Dukes Ward. On behalf of the Conservative Group on Sefton Council, I want to publicly thank him for his years of service, steadfast support and congratulate him on reaching this remarkable milestone.”

Kindly heart

Cllr John Pugh, Leader of the Liberal Democrats on Sefton Council, said: “Combative but charming, a conventionally dressed jazz and rock expert, a tough veneer with a kindly heart, politically astute yet morally principled- Sir Ron is a living paradox.

“Effortlessly articulate, Ron could have outshone many duller souls in Westminster but their loss has been our gain! Sefton has benefitted over the years from his thought and wit whether it liked it or not.”

Cllr Sean Halsall, of the Independent group, added: “Ron has been ever present since I joined the council – while we don’t agree on much he is passionate and steadfast in what he believes in. In the times I’ve shared O&S committees with Ron he has shown an ability to probe and ask questions in the interest of his residents.”

When asked to reflect on what keeps his passion for local government alive for over half a century, Sir Ron mused that the answer was in fact incredibly simple.

Sir Ron said: “I know this might sound corny but I am sure I am not alone in saying that when any of your constituents take the trouble to thank you if you have been able to assist them or give advice it really does count for a lot.

“I had a period of time mentoring all political groups individual councillors and I would always to stress that anyone that we must fully recognise in terms of electoral success that the public are never ever wrong no matter how much it might hurt an individual councillor who has been particularly diligent.

“The critical piece of advice however, is never ever rely on whatever Councillors Allowance you receive to pay the gas bill!”