Southport’s NHS hatchet woman moves on
Canadian Sue Musson, the woman who first suspended then sacked Southport Hospital Chief Jonathan Parry is moving on. From the end of November she will be taking over the Preston-based Lancashire Teaching Hospitals where there is a huge problem over the Chorley Accident & Emergency department which has been closed down.
Cheshire-based Ms Musson is Managing Director of Firecracker Projects North West LLP, a property development holding company which her Linked-in page describes as having “a multi-million pound commercial and residential portfolio.” transforming derelict apartment blocks and houses into high quality, affordable accommodation and providing commercial workspace. She is also MD of Firecracker Projects Limited, a management consultancy company “specialising in Board development, strategy, leadership and performance improvement.”
During Ms Musson’s two year period at Southport, the town’s A&E department established a record for the number of Ambulances stacked up outside any hospital in the North West. There have been two damning Care Quality Commission reports into the Hospital Trust and three vastly-expensive Inquiries leading to the dismissal, resignation or early retirement of three out of four senior hospital managers facing charges over non-health-related matters.
Ms Musson followed veteran Southport politician Sir Ron Watson as Southport & Formby NHS Trust Chair.
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