Southport’s NHS battle now out in the open
The huge battle for the local NHS which local Health Watchdog Cllr Tony Dawson predicted in the summer has now come out into the open. And Councillor Dawson is renewing his calls for residents to prepare to join in a massive NHS fight.
He says:
“The government insisted that the community were totally carved out of the proposed hospital shake-up which was performed in secret by NHS chiefs. Now the devastating scale of what is being proposed is leaking out into the open. £900 million cuts over 5 years, threatening our A&E, Mental Health Services and much much more.”
Last month, Councillor Dawson, the local Lib Dem spokesperson on Heath renewed his warning to local people about the coming threat of the secret plans from which local representatives were being “kept completely in the dark”.
He said:
“it will not be good for our area and we will need to be prepared to stand up and fight for our local NHS. There is simply not enough money to go round.”
Dr John Pugh MP is also pursuing the battle with ministers and local health bosses but the eventual outcome will probably be determined by how local residents rally to the cause.
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