Southport’s Brexit Co-ordinator was Fasist Party Candidate

9th June 2019
Kevin Moore, the man who co-ordinated the Brexit Party’s efforts throughout Merseyside – including Southport – was formerly a candidate for the BNP – Britain’s very own fascist Party. He has been sacked now his hidden past has been revealed.
Kevin Moore (left) stood as a BNP candidate for Warwickshire County Council during the 2009 European Elections. He has now been fired from his role within the Brexit Party after his past was bought to their attention. The party claim they were not aware of his BNP membership before hiring him.

The prominence of the BNP as a far-right, fascist party rose during the 2000s after its leadership was taken over by Nick Griffin, former leader of the National Front who had described the Jewish extermination in the holocaust as ‘Allied wartime propaganda.’ Griffin was given a suspended sentence in 1998 for distributing material likely to incite racial hatred.

In internet postings in July 2010, Moore criticised the decision to ban Nick Griffin fro attending a tea party at Buckingham Palace as an “attack on democracy”and promoted a number of links to the BNP manifesto, Nick Griffin speeches, the BNP website and BNP TV.

In June 2009, Moore stood for the BNP in Warwickshire, receiving 386 votes in the council ward of Poplar, part of Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council.When he took up his position as Brexit Party cmpaign coordinator for Merseyside – which involved organising street stalls and campaigning in the area – he tweeted:

“I’m truly honoured to take up my roll with @brexitparty_uk as Campaign Coordinator for Merseyside. Fabulous candidates for a fabulous area #ChangePoliticsForGood.” The Brexit party securied three out of the North West Region’s eight MEPs

A Brexit Party Spokesperson said:

“The Brexit Party was entirely unaware that Mr Moore had any links to any of the organisations that have been proscribed by the party including the BNP.”

and added:

“The Brexit Party has sacked Mr Moore as a local organiser instantly.”