The weather in Southport is forecast to mostly wet, with the occasional dry spell.
The Met Office suggests that the rain will begin at around 8am on Saturday morning and will continue until around midday, when it will clear up for a short period.
The rain will return in the afternoon and will be on and off until the late evening.
In the night it will clear up, leading to a pleasure night, with temperatures of 10C.
The sun will rise at 7:22am and set at 4:28pm.
Sunday’s is forecast to clearer than Saturday with less rain.
There will be cloud coverage in the morning, but there is less than a 10 per cent chance of rain.
Around midday there will be some light showers, but they will disappear by mid-afternoon.
The rain will return at 6pm and be set for the night.
Temperatures will reach highs of 15C on Sunday.
The sun will rise at 7:24am and set at 4:26pm.
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