Southport UKIP stand down, and urge voters back Damien Moore MP to deliver Brexit 

30th October 2019
Damien Moore-otsnews
Southport MP Damien Moore

The United Kingdom Independence Party in Southport has today stood down and urged voters to back Damien Moore at the General Election on 12 December.

In a full-page advert in today’s Champion Newspaper, Mr Terry Durrance, who has stood as the UKIP Parliamentary Candidate in Southport in previous elections said:

“Do you fear for the future of democracy in our country today? The surest way of Southport sending a Brexit MP to Westminster after the next General Election is to vote for our current MP.”

“This is no time for party politics. UKIP urge all those who believe in democracy to vote for Brexit supporter Damien Moore at the next General Election.”

Damien Moore MP said:

“The choice in this election could not be clearer: vote Conservative and get Brexit done, or risk five more years of uncertainty, dither and delay with a MP who will still not tell voters how she voted in the 2016 EU referendum.”

“The Brexit Party and UKIP cannot win in Southport – that is why UKIP have stood down and are urging all their supporters to lend their support to the Conservatives because they want to see Brexit delivered.”

The decision by UKIP to stand down a candidate in Southport has significantly increased the likelihood of Damien Moore being re-elected, and places significant pressure on the Brexit Party Candidate, Darcy Taylor, to stand-down too.

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