What is a townscape heritage initiative?
Southport has a rich historic environment including that of the town centre and as such this is recognised by the formal designation of both Lord Street and the Promenade as Conservation Areas. A townscape heritage project is a heritage-led regeneration programme funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) to improve historic town centres in need of investment. The scheme includes property improvements, skills training and community activities.
The Council and Southport BID were successful in gaining first round funding in order to allow the further development of a second round funding bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund in June 2019. If successful, this would enable the full delivery of a townscape heritage project for Southport Town Centre for the next 5 years, the funding would specifically be for:
- Structural and external repair of historic buildings;
- Reinstatement of authentic architectural features (e.g. traditional shopfronts, windows);
- Works to bring vacant floor space in historic buildings back into use;
- Training and skills development, for example: helping building contractors to understand the correct methods for the repair of historic buildings.
Where will the project focus?
The project will focus on four clusters of older properties between Lord Street and the Promenade in order to complement the Heritage Lottery Funded restoration of Kings Gardens and the recent award of Coastal Community funds for the pier.
This will enhance the quality and strength of the linkages between the town centre and the Seafront so that the two become better integrated, increasing the levels of economic activity within the target area to reduce the number of vacant and underused properties.
For more detailed information see full details below:
Southport Townscape Heritage Project Information Brochure 2018 |
If you are specifically interested in receiving a grant, training, education, or being involved in any complimentary activities and events, or being kept up to date with the project contact us with your details either by email Paul.Crowther@sefton.gov.uk or telephone 0151 934 3155 or contact Southport BID on 01704 538382.
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