Merseyside Police is supporting the ‘We Stand Together’ campaign launched this week to raise public awareness about the benefits of community cohesion and aims to highlight what different people have in common rather than their differences.
Merseyside has a long and proud tradition of celebrating diversity and campaigning for equality.
As part of the campaign a number of events have been organised to encourage communities to stand together and celebrate Merseyside Police’s long and proud tradition of community cohesion and diversity.
Assistant Chief Constable Ian Pilling, said “These events, which are part of the national initiative, are aimed at helping to join people across the UK to celebrate diversity and demonstrate solidarity.
“The campaign will be making use of social media, under the hashtag#WeStandTogther, to encourage people to unite and make a positive contribution to community life in their area.
“Also, officers and staff will be working alongside a whole range of community groups including those that represent diverse communities to raise awareness of how to report hate crime.”
There are a range of ways hate crime can be reported, including via an online reporting form. The site also provides links to organisations that can offer support and advice on hate crime related issues. The We Stand Together campaign offers opportunities for communities across the county to get involved and demonstrate their commitment to tacking hate crime.
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