Southport’ St Teresa’s bring Christmas joy to children and families

12th December 2016

Southport’ St Teresa’s bring Christmas joy to children and families

St Teresa’s Catholic Infant and Nursery School in Birkdale have gone all out this Christmas to support the community, and bring joy to the children and families.

Nursery children visited the local Post Office and bought their own stamps to post their letters to Father Christmas. They are eagerly awaiting their replies (a service offered by the Post Office every year).

The children performed two Christmas Plays this year. The Early Years Foundation stage children performed “A Miracle in Town”, the story of the first Christmas. Jesus, the Son of God, was born in Bethlehem, in a stable under a star – a wonderful miracle that would change the world forever.

Key Stage one children performed  “Children of the world” . Gabriel and the angels celebrated the birth of Jesus by bringing children from around the world to visit the manger. Travelling from as far afield as China, Malawi, Poland and Australia, each group was finally brought to the stable where they told of their special Christmas customs, singing songs and presenting gifts.

The plays were followed by a raffle and a collection for charity.

Year Two children visited the local convent and sang Christmas Carols, and the celebrations ended with class parties and a visit from a jolly fellow in a red suit who distributed presents to all the children.

The children also enjoyed a festive Lunch with all their teachers, support staff and school Governors. Parents and children also donated food items for the needy all week.

“ You pray for those who are hungry, then you feed them. That is how prayer works” Pope Francis.

The school thanks parents, staff and governors who gave their time to help all the activities be so successful.


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