Southport son is last Labour man standing in Yorkshire for Europe

27th May 2019
Former Farnborough Raod School pupil Richard Corbett (above left), leader of the Labour Party in Brussels, is the last man standing for Labour in Yorkshire in the European Parliament. Unlike his Party leader Jeremy Corbyn, Mr Corbett has agreed with the Lib Dems and the Greens that a fresh vote by the people of Britain is going to be the only way to solve the Brexit crisis.
Labour elected no MEPs at all in the South West of England where Tory defector Ann Widdicombe (centre with Nigel Farage) topped the poll for the Brexit Party. This has led to red face for Tory leadership contender Boris Johnson (right) who told his Party conference last year that Tory defectors to extreme ‘Leave’ parties were people who had peculiar sex with vacuum cleaners. Such people are clearly a lot more popular than Conservatives at the moment.
In the Borough of Sefton, the three Brexiteer parties (Brexit UKIP and Tommy Robinson) and the three Remainer parties (Lib Dems, Greens and Change UK) scored an almost dead heat, each set amassing roughly 22,000 to 23,000 votes with the Brexiteers just slightly getting the edge. The combined Labour and Tory vote in between the two polar opposites could not quite amass this level of support as many voters were unsure as to what exactly these Parties stood for in matters European.