Southport residents urged to go green and ‘grow your own’

10th April 2020

Sefton residents are being encouraged to ‘grow your own’ – and there are lots of ways to get involved, whether it’s at home or in one of our community gardens or allotment spaces.

Whether you’ve got a garden or even just a windowsill, growing your own food can be as simple or as complicated as you want.

Although outlets such as garden centres aren’t as accessible at the moment you can still purchase plants and seeds online or in your local supermarket.

Green Sefton’s Suzanne McCumiskey said: “Growing your own food can be as simple or as complicated as you want. One thing that is guaranteed is it’s fun and good for the heart, plus it gives you control over what you eat as you can eliminate fertilisers and chemicals from your food. You don’t need a big garden to grow fruit and vegetables and a small container on a patio or balcony is ideal for growing the likes of tomatoes and strawberries. Herbs are easy to grow and can be grown on a windowsill and seed packets can be picked up in most supermarkets. Chives make a lovely addition to a salad. Now that the weather is starting to get that bit warmer it’s a good time to get outdoors and get into growing. Some things to sow in April are beetroot, broccoli and lettuce.”


Although residents will not be able to take up new allotment plots while COVID-19 restrictions are in place, they are a great thing to consider for budding gardeners when current restrictions are lifted.

Suzanne said: “Sefton’s allotments are a great way to meet new people in your community, to share ideas and help others! If you are interested in getting an allotment in the future you can email to express an interest. In the meantime, visit the National Allotment Society for useful tips and information and find out what it really entails to have an allotment.”

Allotments still currently remain partially open to existing tenants, with users asked to adhere to social distancing guidelines.


Green Sefton also have hints and tips to encourage wildlife into your garden. Suzanne said: “One way to attract wildlife into your garden is to plant the likes of buddleia and primrose, which will attract bees and butterflies that will pollinate the food you are trying to grow. Create a hole in your fence to allow hedgehogs to go about their business – but ask your neighbours first! Hedgehogs love to eat slugs and slugs love to eat the fruit and vegetables you are trying to grow!”

Green Sefton also has a useful educational guide, which families can download. The guide offers advice on how to make bee and bug hotels and lots more.

Please be aware the community gardens in our lovely parks and greenspaces are currently closed to the public.