Southport MP praises RSPCA’s work in town

21st June 2018

Southport MP praises RSPCA’s work in town

Damien Moore MP will continue to work closely with the RSPCA to improve animal welfare in Southport.

Damien recently attended the RSPCA’s annual drop-in in the House of Commons. He heard directly from its ispectors about their work to protect animals in Southport and across the UK.
The scale of animal cruelty across Merseyside was revealed. In 2017, the RSPCA investigated 3,826 complaints about animal cruelty in the county, with the charity’s nationwide 24-hour cruelty line receiving over a million calls.
The RSPCA has been investigating and prosecuting animal welfare offences since its foundation in 1824. To this day, they are increasing their work to prevent cruelty occurring in the first place and to educate the next generation of animal lovers.
Damien said:
“I’m proud to support the RSPCA and the work that their Inspectors do to protect animal welfare in Southport. It was fantastic to meet some of their hard-working Inspectors and to thank them on behalf of the animal lovers in our area for all that they do.
“However, I am saddened that the RSPCA’s latest statistics show animal cruelty complaints are continuing in Merseyside. We all have a duty to be vigilant against abuses of animal welfare and I will continue to work closely with the RSPCA to help improve standards of animal welfare in Merseyside and across the UK.”