Southport MP educates year 6 students about his role as a Member of Parliament

5th July 2019
linaker primary school

Damien Moore MP visits Linaker Primary School to talk to year 6 students about his role as a Member of Parliament.

Last week, Damien Moore MP visited Linaker Primary School to talk to students about his role as a Member of Parliament. The students are currently learning about how laws are made in the UK and what role the Government and Parliament play in it.

The local MP spent time talking about his day to day activities in Parliament, the role of The Speaker and all the different parties that make up the House of Commons. The children were particularly interested at what MP’s do behind the scenes to influence legislative changes. Mr Moore explained that behind the scenes MP’s from all sides of the House of Commons come together at Select Committees, after investigating the relevant subject they then disclose their findings to the Government of the day to seek change to legislation.

In his time at the school, Damien also explained the paramount importance of his constituency work alongside his responsibilities within Parliament.

The children were also given the opportunity to question their MP on a number of local and national issues, including Brexit, taxes, and support for the elderly.

Commenting, Damien Moore MP said:

‘I was delighted to meet the pupils at Linaker Primary Schoolagain. I was extremely impressed with the range of questions they asked and how much they care about the future of our country.’

‘I think it is vital that MP’s encourage young people to take akeen interest in how the country is run, and in particular the processes of how the laws in our country are made.’

‘I would also like to thank both the teachers and students on the community work that has taken place at the school, from fundraising for Queens Court House and Southport Lifeboats, to every child making a poppy for a huge display on Remembrance Daythese generous acts have a positive impact on the wider community.’

‘I am really looking forward to showing the pupils around Parliament when they visit in a few weeks.’

Commenting, Mrs Brown, Headteacher said:

I would like to thank Damien for taking a few hours out of his day to visit our school, the children now have a better understanding of his role as an MP and the wider Parliamentary system. Once Mr Moore had left the children were very enthusiastic about learning more about democracy, they even set up their own political parties in that very afternoon.’

‘The pupils are visiting Parliament in a few week’s time and they are all looking forward to seeing Mr Moore once again.’  


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