Southport MP Damien Moore hits back at Lib Dem Candidates blatant lies over Brexit

2nd September 2019
Damien Moore-otsnews
Southport MP Damien Moore

John Wright’s comments are at best disingenuous, and at worst a blatant attempt to lie to the people of Southport to further frustrate the result of the 2016 referendum.

It is a matter of routine that Parliament is prorogued when a new Prime Minister takes office or to announce a new domestic legislative agenda. After one of the longest parliamentary sittings in living memory, and after three years debating the issue of Brexit, to suggest that Parliament has been suspended to force through a “no deal” in nonsense. We were already set to have a conference recess during this period of prorogation, which is now only four days longer than expected, and the Liberal Democrats have already failed to support leaving with a ‘deal’ on three separate occasions.

“I have remained absolutely clear on Brexit throughout this process: keeping no deal on the table strengthens the Governments position but leaving with a good deal is far more preferable, not just for Southport but the country as a whole.”

In their 2017 manifesto, the Lib Dems committed to respecting the EU Referendum result; now theirParty Leader, Jo Swinson, has stated repeatedly that if there were to be a second referendum, and leave won once again, she would still not respect the referendum result – I’m afraid it is the Liberal Democrats and Labour who have failed democracy and Mr Wright should be honest with Southport residents: he doesn’t want to stop no deal, he wants to stop Brexit entirely.

Whilst I appreciate Mr Wright is now being forced to jostle with Labour and the Greens and position himself as the ‘Remain Party candidate’, he cannot simply turn up when he thinks an election is looming and pretend to have been active.

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