Southport Lifeboat crew upgrade casualty care skills

9th October 2018
Southport lifeboat

Southport Lifeboat crew upgrade casualty care skills

Twelve members of the crew gave up their time freely to sit through the intense three day, 30 hour course and then all passed both the written exam paper and the practical test.

The new qualification, along with Clinical Governance, Casualty Assessment and Care check cards and the appointment of a medical director now means that the Southport Lifeboat are trained to a higher level than any other lifeboat in the UK whether it be RNLI or Independent.

Nick Porter, Coxswain of the Southport Lifeboat said: “This is another big step forward for the Southport Lifeboat as through Saviour Medical not only have we up skilled the level of care that we can provide, we have also taken away the memory test for the crew.
“By following the check cards, we can now easily diagnose what is wrong with a casualty before determining the best course of action to treat them.

“We’re now at a position where we have two of the best Lifeboats in the world to carry out our work, our new station is under construction and we’ve increased our first aid capability to what we believe is the highest level of any lifeboat in the UK.”

The Southport Lifeboat crew are now looking forward to continue to build upon the new skills through the organisation of realistic scenario training and by improving on some of the dated kit currently on station.

The current stretchers on station are over 10 years old so will soon need replacing, as well as a new defibrillator that can be relied upon in a marine environment.

Whilst construction is ongoing with the new station, the Trust is reaching out for sponsors to help with funding the extra kit needed. If you are able to help the lifeboat by sponsoring a piece of kit, please get in touch via or on 01704 501471.