Southport Lib-Dems slammed for “shameless fabrication” and “hypocrisy” over candidate

25th April 2018
Photo caption... Mhairi Doyle, Liz Savage and Janis Blackburne who helped achieve the parking decision.

Southport Lib-Dems slammed for “shameless fabrication” and “hypocrisy” over candidate.

Southport’s Liberal Democrat Party has been roundly criticised for double-standards and simply “copying” their opponents.

It follows a series of communications from the Lib-Dems that have left local observers bemused. One is a leaflet released by the Lib-Dem candidate in Norwood, Peter Blake, which claims that his party secured the return of 30-minute parking to Southport.

This is despite Sefton Council Leader Ian Maher making clear at the time in both the council chamber and local media reports that the decision was down to strong representations from Southport Labour and also Southport BID.

Critics say that not content with trying to grab the limelight for a decision they were not part of, local Lib-Dems have also aped the Labour Party slogan of “paying more for less”.

Labour uses the slogan to describe the cuts the Lib-Dems and Tories implemented along with Theresa May’s government then forcing local authorities across the country to raise council tax if they want extra funds. Local Lib-Dems, however, have tried to suggest it is a willing choice by Sefton Council, something strongly denied by the controlling Labour group.

Photo caption The Lib Dem leaflet wrongly claiming they achieved the parking decision success

Liz Savage, Labour’s parliamentary candidate for Southport, described it as “low-resolution copying” and said it revealed local Lib-Dem limitations:

” They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery but given the pressures on local councils across the country, it is just Lib-Dem spin to claim this is a Sefton problem. Councils of all political colours have been forced to do this across the country.

It’s also rather desperate for Lib-Dems to be claiming successes they were simply not part of. It shows just how bereft of actual achievements in the town they are after all these years that they try to steal credit that belongs to others. It also reveals how far they are prepared to go to mislead local residents.

Ian Maher made it crystal clear at the time of the decision that he’d been persuaded by the representations made by myself, Mhairi Doyle our Norwood candidate and our Kew candidate, Janis Blackburne, plus also Southport BID. It’s nothing to do with the Lib-Dems and is a shameless fabrication by them to claim otherwise.”

Other local critics have also noted that after the last few years of attacking Labour and Conservatives for fielding parliamentary candidates from outside the town, the Lib-Dems have just decided to do exactly the same.

Liz Savage explains:

” They’ve made repeated attacks about my living in Tarleton despite the fact my work is here and yet they have now selected someone from further afield which they blithely try to pass off as “nearby”?! It does raise a wry smile but I think people are starting to see through local Lib-Dem hypocrisy.”


Southport LibDem exploitation and hypocrisy