Should You Go Electric When Looking For New Vans For Sale?

24th July 2024

Human nature yearns for reliability, especially when it comes to their primary source of transport. In this era of 2024, electrical vehicles (EVs) are the hottest topic in the automotive industry. Everybody is wondering: 

Is now the time for me to make the switch? 

When looking at new vans for sale, should I buy an electric or diesel van?

If you’re one of these people, we are here to help you get rid of this dilemma. 

In this article, we will walk you through all the sweets and sours about EVs and whether this is finally the time for you to make the switch once and for all. 


New vans for sale- what is the benefit of electric vans?

Environment Friendly

As people who inhabit this planet, it is our duty to keep it clean and pollution-free. Throughout mankind’s evolution and technological advancement, man has produced tons of pollution in the environment. Diesel and petrol vehicles consistently produce harmful pollutants on a daily basis. 

However, the latest invention of electric vans has broken the fatal chain. EVs function on electricity, not fuel. Therefore, they don’t produce harmful emissions and are an excellent way to reduce our overall carbon footprint.  

Cost Savvy

You might be thinking my  “Toyota van” costs less than an “EV,” and yes, you might be right about the initial price. But is the primary investment all there is to it? A vehicle’s worth is also calculated by its maintenance and running costs. After overall calculations, electric Citroen Van deals cost you way less in the long run. Here’s why:

  • Lower Fuel Costs: Electric vans cost less than half the price to fill up a diesel van. And if you charge them with solar power, it can practically be considered free. 
  • Low Maintenance: While combustion engine vehicles require yearly maintenance, EVs have fewer moving parts, leading to minor to no maintenance. 

Government Incentives

Governments around the globe are in favour of EVs and are offering incentives to encourage the adoption of EVs. As a result, when you are looking at new vans for sale, consider checking out Citroen van deals as you will often be saving money in the long run.

You could get reduced registration fees, tax credits, etc. So, making the switch will likely favour you and make your experience more comfortable and affordable. 


Should I buy an electric or diesel van?

This debate will never end, as opinions vary from person to person. Our primary purpose is to help you make an informed decision about whether EV Citroen van deals are better for you or not. 

  • Evaluate Your Needs: Calculate your daily range, load capacity, and specific requirements according to your needs. 
  • Calculate Total Cost of Ownership: Add up all the prices, from purchasing to running costs, and decide whether it is cheaper or not.  
  • Assess Charging Infrastructure: You must ensure that your operating area is loaded with charging stations. 
  • Environmental Impact: In the end, you will be contributing to a greener environment, so you have this motivation as well. 
  • Resale Value: research the market for EVs and assess the resale value of your specific vehicle.  


Final Thoughts

When looking for new vans for sale, first decide whether you want an electric or diesel engine. While combustion engines have been the norm for decades, EVs today are no less impressive. EVs are the future, and their benefits speak for themselves. 

So, if you’ve made your decision and are ready to make the switch, start your search for Citroen Van sales and find the best electric Citroen van deals for your needs.